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Church Street North, Old Whittington, Chesterfield, S41 9QW
Phone Number
Academy converter
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
This is a happy school where children enjoy their learning. Pupils understand the school's ethos of 'learning together; helping one another to achieve our best'.
The pupils we talked to showed care and concern for each other and said that their teachers are supportive.
Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. Staff are determined that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), receive the support they need to flourish.
Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They are proud of their school. They said that they would 'definitely' recommend the school to another child.
The pupils spoken to said that ...bullying rarely happens.
Pupils respect differences between people. Pupils commented that: 'Different kinds of people are welcome here.
It's not about looks, but about how you treat people.'
There are a range of leadership roles that pupils can benefit from. These include being a member of the school council, a librarian or a friendship ambassador.
Pupils take pride in these roles and feel valued by the school.
Parents and carers are positive about the school. One parent, typical of many, said: 'Mary Swanwick is a fantastic school where children get the opportunities to learn, grow and thrive.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils, including those with SEND. Pupils study a broad range of subjects. In most subjects, leaders have identified the important knowledge pupils need and when they need it.
Subjects are carefully planned to help pupils build their knowledge so that they know and remember more over time.
Teachers regularly check what pupils have learned. They help pupils to recap their previous learning.
Lessons start with 're-engage tasks'. Pupils understand that the purpose of these tasks is to help them to retrieve knowledge and for teachers to check pupils' understanding. In history, for example, pupils remembered their work on chronology and could explain key events that had been previously learned.
Leaders have not fully implemented an effective assessment and feedback policy. There is an inconsistent approach to feedback. Pupils do not always get the opportunity to reflect on feedback and improve their work.
Different teachers use different strategies to assess pupils' understanding. Some of the strategies are at the early stages of development, and there are varying degrees of success.
Children in the early years get off to a good start.
Leaders have recently introduced a new approach to teaching phonics. Daily phonics sessions help pupils to learn sounds quickly. Pupils read books that match the sounds they know.
There is a consistent approach to the teaching of reading across the school.
The curriculum in the early years is well structured and helps children to learn well. Relationships are very positive between children and adults in the early years.
Leaders provide an engaging environment inside and outside the classroom. There is a focus on children's communication and language. In mathematics, children are quick to recognise numbers and enjoy the activities delivered in lessons and through the continuous provision.
Children learn the important knowledge and skills they need.
Teachers are quick to identify pupils with SEND. They routinely assess pupils' needs and check that these pupils access the full curriculum.
Leaders ensure that staff provide high-quality support and resources suited to pupils' needs.
Pupils are friendly and polite to visitors. They behave well in lessons and work hard.
Staff use the school's behaviour system consistently well. Leaders have a clear focus on promoting positive behaviours. This is supported by a popular reward system where pupils accumulate points by receiving 'cygnet' rewards from staff.
They can use these to buy items from the school's 'swan shop'.
There is a strong focus on pupils' personal development. Leaders are keen to provide 'worldly knowledge', to make sure that pupils understand life beyond the school and surrounding area.
Pupils benefit from a range of extra-curricular activities, including sports, art, street dance and karate clubs. Leaders have carefully selected these clubs and scheduled some at lunchtime to enable all pupils to access them.
Leaders promote fundamental British values.
However, pupils do not have a secure knowledge of these. Leaders are reviewing their plans to ensure that pupils develop a deeper understanding of this aspect of the curriculum.
Governors and trustees understand the school.
They share leaders' ambition and are not complacent. Governors hold leaders to account effectively. Leaders engage well with staff.
They provide regular training and consider staff's well-being and workload. Staff are proud to work at this school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Safeguarding leaders are knowledgeable about safeguarding matters. Leaders liaise well with external agencies when a pupil needs extra help to keep safe. Clear safeguarding procedures are in place to keep pupils safe in school.
Staff understand their responsibilities to pass on concerns about pupils. They receive appropriate training and updates.Leaders make sure that pupils learn how to keep themselves safe.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Assessment is not equally effective in all parts of the curriculum. Sometimes teachers do not check pupils' responses to tasks or check that pupils have responded to feedback. Leaders must ensure that assessment is well planned, that misconceptions are identified and quickly addressed, and that school policies are consistently applied.