Mawnan CofE VA Primary School

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About Mawnan CofE VA Primary School

Name Mawnan CofE VA Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Jilly Pridmore
Address Shute Hill, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth, TR11 5HQ
Phone Number 01326250660
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 141
Local Authority Cornwall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school radiates joy.

Pupils skip into school every day, eager to learn. Staff expect the very best from pupils in whatever they do. Pupils give this unequivocally.

This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils learn the curriculum exceptionally well. As a result, they are very well prepared for secondary school.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. The school develops pupils' character to a very high standard. It instils a sense of pride and responsibility in pupils.

This means they are self-motivated to learn. In lessons, they share and listen to each other's ideas respectfully. At social times, pupils play h...armoniously together.

In the early years, staff establish routines quickly. This helps children to flourish into confident and independent learners.

The school tirelessly celebrates differences, such as cultural or religious beliefs.

This means that pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils experience a wealth of opportunities beyond the academic. They pursue their talents and interests through clubs, such as sailing, skateboarding and art.

Parents and carers emphatically praise the school in all aspects of its work. One comment, typical of many, stated, 'Staff, pupils and parents collaborate to create an environment where our children can thrive both academically and socially.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is recovering from a period of sadness and grief.

At its helm, the headteacher has provided inspirational leadership. She has selflessly and courageously united the school community. Staff and parents speak movingly about how well she has supported them.

Moreover, staff themselves are excellent role models. They demonstrate the same care and compassion to each other as they do with pupils.

Throughout this time, the school has ensured that pupils' education and well-being have remained its priorities.

It has drawn upon its Christian values as a source of healing. The school has thrown a protective blanket around those who need it most. Pupils receive additional, ongoing pastoral support where appropriate.

This helps them to be in a positive place in which to learn and to thrive.

The school's curriculum is highly ambitious and detailed. It has been meticulously designed to account for the mixed-age classes.

Consequently, pupils build their knowledge in a logical order. At its heart, the curriculum design stimulates pupils' interest and curiosity. Pupils enjoy embarking on 'voyages' and 'expeditions' as they experience new learning.

These sparks of enthusiasm can be seen right from the start in early years, where children demonstrate remarkable concentration in the classroom. They embrace the chance to learn to use tools safely in the 'workshop'. This develops their fine motor skills.

Staff ensure the aims of the curriculum come to life. They receive regular training, which means they have excellent subject knowledge. In lessons, teachers ask probing questions that challenge pupils' thinking.

Teachers expect pupils to understand and use sophisticated technical vocabulary. They use quizzes effectively to check what pupils can remember.

Pupils produce consistently high-quality work.

They write extensively across the curriculum to demonstrate their deep knowledge. Pupils write with much improved sentence structure due to recent changes in the English curriculum. The school ensures there is no ceiling put on pupils' achievement, regardless of background.

Staff make sensitive adaptations for pupils with SEND. This helps them to learn the same curriculum as their peers.

Reading is culturally ingrained in the school.

No opportunity is missed to promote a love of reading. Pupils speak with excitement at the imminent opening of the 'reading barn'. They read books for pleasure both in the classroom and on the playground.

The school diligently and rigorously implements the early reading curriculum. Pupils learn the phonics code quickly. Staff identify swiftly any small gaps in knowledge.

They give extra support to help pupils to keep up. High outcomes in the phonics screening check demonstrate this success.

The school weaves pupils' personal development throughout school life.

Pupils learn to care for the environment through the school's 'Creation Care' ethos. Pupils are taken out of their comfort zone through a series of residential trips. They enjoy sporting success in a range of tournaments.

This helps them to understand the key principles of teamwork.

Pupils' enjoyment of school is reflected in their excellent attendance. The school works closely with its families to limit any absence.

It is not afraid to challenge them to ensure pupils attend school regularly.

Governors know the school very well. There is a significant level of expertise on the board.

This enables it to hold the school to account robustly. Governors are rightly proud of how the school has continued to excel during a difficult period.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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