Middle Park Primary School

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About Middle Park Primary School

Name Middle Park Primary School
Website http://www.middlepark.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Donna Adkinson
Address Middle Park Avenue, Eltham, London, SE9 5RX
Phone Number 02088508747
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 437
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils arrive at school happy to begin their day of learning. They feel welcome and a part of the school community as adults greet them with warmth and positivity.

They follow the routines of the school because they know how they are expected to behave, including in Nursery. Pupils' behaviour is of an exceptional standard both during lessons and on the playground. As a result, the atmosphere in the school is calm and allows learning to occur without disruption.

The school expects pupils to achieve well, including those who are disadvantaged and have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils make an effort to reach these high standards, with many ach...ieving well. They value the rich learning opportunities available and embrace them.

For example, in art, pupils enjoy sculpting their designed creations. They consider the size and geometrical form their product will take, and how they can adopt ideas from the work of artists.

The school has carefully considered experiences for pupils to develop their character.

Many pupils take on meaningful leadership roles which they are proud to apply for. This includes 'play leaders', who offer a friendly face on the playground and ensure that children always have someone to play with.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has constructed an ambitious and inspiring curriculum for its pupils.

Expectations of learning are clearly laid out, including subject-specific vocabulary. The school ensures that all pupils learn the national curriculum in full, including pupils with SEND. In each subject this is threaded back to the early years to ensure that pupils build up what they know and understand over time.

Pupils mostly achieve well and in line with national averages. Where published outcomes are below expectations, leaders have taken swift action in response. For example, the way that pupils are taught to understand and make sense of what they are reading has improved.

In other subject areas, pupils show significant strengths. In mathematics, pupils perform calculations accurately and can recall their times tables. They look for their own mistakes and identify if they need to correct their working.

Across subjects, many pupils produce impressive work and show a command of the vocabulary they have learned. This is because teachers take the time to emphasise key language and review it regularly.

Teachers use resources well to ensure that pupils make the most of learning opportunities.

This is evident in the early years where children have a range of rich activity choices. Adults model language and ensure that children are able to communicate with confidence by the time they finish Reception. Across the school, teachers check that pupils understand what they have learned before moving on to the next topic of learning.

At times however, some pupils with SEND struggle to access their learning fully. This is because the adjustments made to help them access the curriculum are not applied consistently.The school's phonics programme builds pupils' early reading skills with success.

Expert staff ensure that pupils learn to form correct sounds right from the start. By the time pupils finish Year 1, almost all are fluent and capable readers. When necessary, those falling behind receive prompt support to help them catch up.

The school keeps parents and carers involved so they can support reading practice at home. Pupils engage with the school's efforts to make reading a priority. This includes using the book vending machine, reading to 'Scout' the reading dog or talking to adults about the books they are enjoying.

The school has established kind and respectful relationships between pupils and adults. Adults share clear routines and expectations as soon as children join the Nursery or Reception class. These support positive behaviour for learning and play as pupils move through the school.

The school has designed its provision for pupils' personal development with care. The curriculum for personal, social, health and economic education teaches pupils about fundamental British values such as tolerance and the rule of law. In assemblies, pupils learn about beliefs and cultures that differ from their own.

The opportunities to take on roles of leadership are vast and embedded into the life of the school. There are some clubs and activities designed to further pupils' interests and talents, with participation rates still growing.

Leaders know, understand and support their school well.

They are considerate of the needs of teachers, who value the focus given to their workload. Governors are also mindful of how to attract and retain staff, while challenging leaders to continue to maintain high standards.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The support offered to pupils with SEND to ensure they can access the curriculum is variable. This means that some pupils do not achieve as well as they could. The school should ensure that adaptations to teaching approaches are applied consistently as appropriate to pupils' individual needs.

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