Millbrook Park Primary School

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About Millbrook Park Primary School

Name Millbrook Park Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Headteacher Roger Billing
Address School House Lane, London, NW7 1JF
Phone Number 02031375924
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 441
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Parents, pupils and staff are rightly proud of their school. Standards are high, pupils are happy and there is strong sense of teamwork, togetherness and determination shared by all.

The executive headteacher and head of school have created a school where pupils' learning and well-being are at the heart of all that happens. They are extremely determined and ambitious for all pupils to achieve highly. Pupils enjoy their learning because teachers plan activities that are engaging.

Pupils make strong progress from their unique starting points in reading, writing and mathematics. Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities a...nd those who are disadvantaged make good progress. Leaders ensure that these pupils are very well supported in lessons.

Governors are ambitious for the school. Together with leaders, and representatives from the trust, governors ensure that the quality of education provided is consistently good and continually improves. Pupils behave well.

Typically, behaviour in lessons is very good. Pupils look after their friends, know the importance of good manners and are keen to put the school's values into practice. Pupils are happy, safe and settled.

Children are safe, settled and happy in the early years. As a result of consistently good teaching, children make strong progress from the time they start and are well prepared for their learning in Year 1. The school's values are well understood by pupils.

All staff promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development very well. Pupils have many opportunities to learn about the world around them. The teaching of reading is very strong.

Pupils learn to use phonics very well. However, some of the strategies leaders use to develop pupils' writing are not fully embedded. Pupils do not have sufficient opportunities to write at length in a range of contexts, to develop their writing style.

Pupils' progress in writing is less strong than in reading and mathematics. Middle leaders share the vision and drive to improve the school even further. However, they are new to their roles and the impact of their work is in the early stages of development, particularly in relation to their monitoring of teaching and pupils' outcomes.

Leaders have worked hard with parents to improve pupils' attendance. Although the levels of absence have improved over time, these continue to remain higher than the national average.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.

The school complies with Department for Education guidance on what academies should publish. Millbrook Park Primary School opened in September 2014. It is part of the London Diocese Board for Schools Academies Trust.

When full, the school will have three forms of entry to Year 6. Currently, the school has pupils up to Year 2. Most children in the Nursery attend either the morning or afternoon session.

Children in Reception attend on a full-time basis. The executive headteacher and head of school have worked at Millbrook Park since it opened. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is higher than average.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is well above average. The proportion of pupils who are eligible for free school meals is below average. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is above average.

Also at this postcode
Junior Adventures Group @ Millbrook Park NW7 Non Stop Camp (Mill Hill)

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