Milnrow Parish Church of England Primary School

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About Milnrow Parish Church of England Primary School

Name Milnrow Parish Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Lindsey Kirkham
Address St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT
Phone Number 01706643973
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 210
Local Authority Rochdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are eager to learn at this nurturing school. They described it as a kind and caring place, where they are safe and make friends easily.

Pupils said that everyone comes to school with a smile.

Staff have high expectations for the behaviour and learning of all pupils. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and children in the early years.

Pupils are motivated to try their best. They are eager for rewards, such as team points or a place at the 'top table' during Friday lunchtime.

Pupils know that staff treat them fairly.

Leaders and staff deal with any incidents of bullying or name-calling swiftly.... Pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of equality and diversity. They feel fortunate to learn about these important topics, which help them to understand themselves and others.

Pupils said that it is good to be different.

Pupils contribute well to the school and the wider community. They enjoy raising money for charities and collecting food for people who are less fortunate than themselves.

Pupils enjoy a variety of trips, for example to museums and music festivals. They go to the local church regularly.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have made sure that the curriculum is broad, balanced and ambitious for all pupils.

Leaders have thought carefully about the knowledge that pupils should learn, and the order in which this should happen.

Teachers deliver the curriculum well. They have detailed subject knowledge and use this to select the most appropriate activities to teach new information.

Teachers adapt their teaching if pupils struggle. This helps them to keep up. Pupils, including children in the early years, achieve well.

Generally, teachers check pupils' understanding and address misconceptions as they arise. However, they are not as persistent in checking that pupils have understood new learning before they move on to new ideas or subject content. As a result, pupils develop some gaps in their knowledge.

On occasions, they do not recall learning as well as they should.

Leaders make sure that pupils with SEND are identified early. These pupils get additional help quickly.

Leaders support staff to ensure that they can adapt the delivery of the curriculum to provide for these pupils' needs. They work closely with specialists and with parents and carers to make sure that pupils with SEND get the most out of their time in school.

Leaders have made sure that reading is a priority in the school.

Pupils develop a love of reading. Each week, parents share books with their children in class. In the early years, staff provide a language-rich environment with plentiful opportunities to develop children's communication and language skills.

Children relish listening to stories. They develop their imagination skills while they enact them out together.

Leaders have strengthened the way that reading is taught.

Children learn phonics from the beginning of the Reception class. Pupils learn to read with accuracy. The books that staff give pupils to practise reading are closely matched to the sounds that they know.

Pupils who need extra support are given this as soon as possible. Leaders ensure that staff have the expertise to teach reading well.

All areas of the school are calm and purposeful.

Children in the early years settle into school life quickly. They have a strong sense of belonging and feel secure. Pupils behave well.

They follow instructions from their teachers straight away and there is very little low-level disruption. Most pupils attend school regularly. However, there is a small minority of pupils with attendance levels lower than they should be.

Leaders have implemented effective strategies, which are having a clear and positive impact for these pupils.

Leaders support pupils' wider development well. Pupils have opportunities to take on leadership roles.

For example, there are several school councils that they can join. Members of these councils deliver assemblies to teach other pupils about a range of topics, including well-being and online safety. Pupils look forward to residential trips and enjoy attending art, chess and sports clubs.

Visitors to the school help to broaden pupils' experiences. For example, pupils benefit from meeting different artists, authors and religious leaders. This prepares them well for life in modern Britain.

The governing body is proactive. Governors have the necessary skills to support and challenge leaders to further improve pupils' achievement. Governors understand and fulfil their statutory duties well.

Governors and leaders care about the well-being and morale of staff. They are mindful of staff's workload and have taken steps to reduce this.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Governors, leaders and staff understand that safeguarding is everybody's responsibility. The systems to keep pupils safe are secure. Leaders provide a comprehensive range of training, which equips staff with the knowledge and skills to safeguard pupils from harm.

Leaders work closely with families and with external professionals to ensure that vulnerable pupils get the support that they need.

Leaders have included safeguarding in the curriculum. This helps pupils to learn about keeping themselves safe.

For example, they know the steps to take if they have concerns while using social media. Pupils understand how to look after their physical and mental health. They can access support from a mental health team that visits the school weekly.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, teachers do not give pupils enough time to embed new concepts before moving on to new learning. This means that some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge. Leaders should ensure that teachers enable pupils to learn and remember all the essential knowledge that they should.

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