Milton Church of England Primary School

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About Milton Church of England Primary School

Name Milton Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Dr Damien Homden
Address Humphries Way, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6DL
Phone Number 01223508783
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 313
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils appreciate how teachers ensure lessons are informative and enjoyable. They like their teachers and the staff who support them.

Pupils typically use words like 'amazing' and 'fascinating' to describe their learning. They especially enjoy studying texts by Dickens and Shakespeare. Pupils talk animatedly about science, art and physical education lessons.

They also like the chance to revisit what they have learned so they remember it.

Pupils show their 'Milton Manners' and follow the school rules. They like the '123 Magic' approach to ensuring they make good behaviour choices.

Pupils are motivated by collecting points for a whole-class reward. The...y trust that adults will help them if they have any worries. Pupils feel safe.

There is a range of clubs in which pupils can participate, including chess, gymnastics, choir and dance. Football for boys and girls is popular, with support from Cambridge United coaches in lessons. Pupils look forward to residentials and various school trips, such as to learn more about the Anglo-Saxons or to visit London.

Pupils take on roles as members of the school or eco-council. They look forward to being play leaders. Older pupils enjoy reading to the younger children.

They also take part in community projects.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The changes in the school are having a positive impact. Leaders have successfully addressed the concerns raised at the last inspection.

The school recognises that parents are still keen to know more about how their children are achieving and being supported.

The curriculum is ambitious and has been carefully designed. The priority given to reading enables pupils to successfully access the wider curriculum.

In all subjects, the school has mapped out in detail what needs to be taught and when. This enables pupils to successfully make links with prior learning and connect learning across topics. They can articulate and remember knowledge well.

Staff are also knowledgeable. Teachers are aware of common misconceptions and check pupils understanding at the end of a unit of work. However, there are some occasions when gaps in pupils' knowledge are not identified or addressed quickly enough.

Pupils have access to a rich range of literature. This gives pupils an extensive vocabulary and appreciation of history and culture. Younger pupils quickly learn to recognise the sounds they need to know to read fluently.

The few who may find reading tricky are skilfully supported to catch up. This is because books and interventions are well matched to their reading needs. As a result, pupils achieve well in reading.

Staff make successful adaptations to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to access the curriculum. The school acts upon advice from external agencies to support the needs of pupils with SEND. Leaders ensure that all pupils with SEND have learning targets that are regularly reviewed.

However, for a few pupils with SEND, these targets are not broken down into small enough steps. This means that a few pupils with SEND do not receive the precise support they need.

Early years is a strength of the school.

Children make a positive start to school life. Leaders think carefully about how to ensure activities are enhanced to deepen children's understanding. Activities chosen are meaningful and engaging.

Children listen and concentrate well for their age, as expectations from staff are clear. Staff ensure that children are suitably prepared for Year 1.

Pupils are polite and courteous to adults.

Overall, they play and learn cooperatively. There can be some chatter in classes, but teachers address this appropriately. Pupils know the consequences of their actions should they make a wrong choice and feel that these are managed fairly.

For some pupils with more complex needs, staff support them to regulate their emotions with care and patience. However, staff would appreciate more specific training to give them more confidence in implementing this.

There is an effective personal development curriculum in place.

Pupils have a mature appreciation of equality and diversity, as well as discrimination, which prepares them well for life in modern Britain. They are taught how to respect different beliefs and lifestyle choices. They are open minded and accommodating of each other.

Where this is not the case, pupils are unafraid to call it out. They know how to stay safe online. Older pupils have age-appropriate lessons on relationships and sex education, so they are prepared for teenage life.

There is a loyal and dedicated staff team. Staff feel that they can approach leaders to share their views.

The trust provides effective support to governors and leaders.

Governors have the skills and knowledge to undertake their role and are now holding leaders to account.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some instances, pupils have gaps in their knowledge that are not always addressed quickly enough.

This limits pupils from acquiring the depth of understanding leaders intend. Staff need to check pupils' understanding within lessons more effectively and in a timely manner so that gaps are filled as quickly as possible. ? For a few pupils with SEND, targets set are not always precise enough or broken down into small enough steps.

This means that some learning opportunities for these few pupils are not always maximised. Leaders need to support staff to have the specific skills and knowledge to set and deliver precise learning goals for these pupils. Leaders then need to ensure that these targets are reviewed more frequently and that parents are kept regularly updated.

• Some parents do not feel that they are kept fully informed as to how their children are achieving at school. This can cause concern for some parents. Leaders, including governors, recognise this and need to strengthen communication systems with parents to ensure an effective working partnership between home and school.

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