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Mobberley C of E Primary School sits at the heart of its village community. Pupils, including children in the early years, are happy and proud to attend this school. Each morning, pupils arrive at school pleased to see their friends.
They receive a very warm welcome from staff who know them well. As a result, pupils feel well cared for, and they are ready to learn.
In lessons, pupils' behaviour is exemplary.
Pupils, including children in the Reception class, are very enthusiastic learners. They are highly attentive when listening to their teachers. Pupils want to achieve well, and they do.
They benefit from the school's high expectations and a well-t...hought-out curriculum. Pupils leave this school well prepared for the next stage of their education. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils flourish from the strong pastoral support and far-reaching personal development offer that the school provides. There is an emphasis on competitive sport, and the boys' and girls' football teams are especially proud of their successes. There are plentiful opportunities for pupils to cultivate their wider interests and talents.
For example, pupils can choose from a range of clubs, including art, choir, poetry and digital wizards.
Pupils have a deep understanding of the importance of equality. They grow to have a strong moral compass.
Pupils embrace diversity. They ensure that everyone is accepted for who they are. Parents and carers were overwhelmingly positive about the school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school is aspirational for all pupils to achieve success. To this end, it ensures that children learn to read as soon as they start in the Reception class. Children eagerly join in with story time and quickly learn the first sounds and letters that they need to know.
This continues into key stage 1, where pupils become more fluent readers. The small number of pupils who find reading more difficult receive the additional support that they need so that they can catch up quickly. As pupils get older, they become accurate and expressive readers.
They develop a love of reading, and they spoke enthusiastically about the types of books that they like.
The school ensures that pupils learn a broad and ambitious curriculum. It has thought carefully about the knowledge that pupils should learn and when this content should be taught from the early years to Year 6.
In the main, teachers design activities that help pupils to learn well. They check regularly to see how securely pupils are acquiring important knowledge. This helps teachers to identify and remedy pupils' misconceptions before they move on to new learning.
However, from time to time, the activities that teachers design do not help some pupils to learn as deeply as they could.
In the early years, the school is equally ambitious for children's learning. Skilled staff engage in high-quality interactions with children.
The strong focus on extending vocabulary helps children to quickly become articulate and confident learners. Even the youngest children settle well into school routines and become absorbed in their learning.
There is a rigorous approach to identifying the additional needs of pupils with SEND.
Staff are skilled at identifying pupils who would benefit from additional support. Well-trained staff work successfully with pupils with SEND to enable them to access the same curriculum as their peers.
Staff are passionate about education beyond academic achievement.
Pupils relish the many opportunities available to develop their leadership skills, for example through national initiatives. School councillors, playleaders and hall monitors all take their roles seriously. Older pupils particularly enjoy becoming a buddy to the new children in the Reception class.
This helps to foster a sense of community and belonging.
This is a village school with a global outlook. Pupils develop their understanding of the world beyond their local area through a link with a school in Nepal.
Pupils are kind and caring. They are mindful of those who are less fortunate, and they regularly take part in a range of events to raise funds for charity.
The school is calm and classrooms are purposeful.
Pupils of all ages treat one another respectfully and say that all are welcome at this school. Adults are excellent role models. Pupils rise to the very high expectations that staff have of their behaviour around school.
In the hall and playground, pupils maintain exceptional levels of courtesy.
The school prioritises pupils' attendance. For the very small number of pupils who need additional support, the school takes effective action to improve their attendance.
As a result, most pupils attend very well.
The school and those responsible for governance are committed to ensuring that all pupils benefit from a high-quality education. The knowledge and breadth of skills across the governing body help to ensure that the school is appropriately challenged and supported.
Governors and the school are supportive and mindful of staff well-being. This enables staff to work in harmony with the school to ensure that its vision is achieved.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
On occasion, the activities that teachers design do not enable some pupils to learn in sufficient depth. This hinders these pupils from building as rich a body of subject knowledge across the curriculum as they could. The school should refine its curriculum thinking to ensure that there are greater opportunities for these pupils to apply their knowledge in depth.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.