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They trust adults to help them with any concerns that they may have. Pupils' behaviour is very calm and orderly. They demonstrate highly positive attitudes to learning.
Pupils say bullying is rare and that if it does happen, adults sort it out quickly.
The school has high expectations for pupils' achievement, including for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). As a result, pupils work hard and are keen to do well.
Typically, most pupils achieve well across a range of subjects.
Pupils have many opportunities to contribute to the life of the school. They can be on the student council, plan...et protectors or story sharers.
Pupils enjoy taking on these responsibilities as they think that initiatives, such as protecting the environment, are important.
The school offers pupils a range of activities to successfully promote their wider personal development. These include trips that link well to their subject learning, as well as residential visits for older pupils.
The school also offers a wide range of clubs, such as dance and football. Pupils enjoy learning to play musical instruments and performing.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum that builds well from pupils' different starting points.
In most subjects, leaders have set out the vocabulary, knowledge and skills that pupils should learn as they move through the curriculum. Typically, teachers break down learning into smaller steps. They successfully adapt their teaching when this is needed.
However, occasionally teachers' activity choices are not well matched to what they want pupils to learn. This can limit pupils' knowledge and understanding.
Teachers recap on previous learning to make sure that pupils remember the important knowledge they need.
Most teachers use questions well to check that pupils have understood what they are learning. This helps them to identify what pupils know and what they still need to learn. In mathematics, teachers make sure that there are lots of opportunities for pupils to practise their knowledge and skills.
Low-level disruption is extremely rare and behaviour in lessons is exemplary. Pupils enjoy school and attend regularly.
They arrive on time and are ready to learn. Leaders make sure that pupils' attendance is high.
The school ensures that staff are well equipped to identify pupils' additional needs accurately.
Staff receive appropriate training so that they know how to support pupils with SEND well. Staff adapt the delivery of the curriculum so that pupils with SEND can learn successfully.
The school prioritises reading.
Staff have the expertise needed to teach pupils how to read. There is a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics across the school. Leaders quickly identify any pupils who fall behind.
They then ensure that adults help pupils to keep up with their peers. Pupils enjoy reading and they love the range of diverse and engaging texts that are made available to them.
Children in the early years make an extremely positive start to their education.
They show high levels of curiosity and engagement. Children develop routines quickly. Adults' consistently high-quality interaction helps children to fully develop key knowledge and vocabulary.
The school has embedded highly effective approaches to the teaching of early reading and mathematics. The curriculum takes account of what children know and can do as they arrive at the school. It values their diverse experiences.
There is a strong focus on developing children's communication and language skills in the early years. Leaders have put considerable thought into ensuring that learning opportunities have real purpose and help children to practise their skills. For example, in one activity, children created their own maps of the local area and labelled them using the phonics sounds that they had been learning.
Governors know the school well. They support and challenge the school to continually improve its work. Staff value the support offered by senior leaders.
They feel that their workload and well-being are carefully considered. Teachers new to the profession are particularly well supported. Parents are very positive about the school and the difference that it has made to their children.
Leaders have thought carefully about pupils' personal development. Their strategies help pupils to develop beyond the academic curriculum. Staff teach pupils about different beliefs and cultures and to respect differences.
For example, pupils visit different places of worship. The school makes sure that pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships and how to look after their mental health.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, the school's thinking about how pupils progress through the curriculum is not as clear as it should be. This means that sometimes staff do not give sufficient focus to the vocabulary, knowledge and skills that pupils should learn. The school should review their curriculum thinking in these subjects and refine their training for staff to help them understand how to adapt their teaching more effectively.