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Pupils are well cared for at Monkwood Primary School. Staff develop warm and nurturing relationships with pupils.
Pupils and staff talk respectfully to each other. Leaders have high expectations for pupils both academically and socially. Pupils are safe.
They attend school regularly.
Most pupils behave well in lessons and around school. They are rewarded for good behaviour by showing the expectations set out in 'The Monkwood Way'.
Some pupils do not always follow the high expectations that leaders have for their behaviour.Bullying is rare. When it does happen, parents and pupils agree that it is dealt with quickly.
Pupils are well prepared f...or their next stage of education and for life in modern Britain. They are knowledgeable about fundamental British values and why they are important. Pupils learn how to keep themselves healthy and safe.
They talk confidently about topics such as online safety and healthy relationships. Pupils are passionate about promoting equality and are accepting and welcoming of everyone.
The pastoral support that pupils receive is a strength at this school.
The pastoral team provides extensive support for any pupils with additional needs. The team also works with parents, who appreciate the support that they receive.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
School and trust leaders have prioritised curriculum development from the early years to Year 6.
Subject leaders appreciate the support and expertise of trust curriculum leaders. Together, they have planned the content and sequencing of the curriculum well.
Leaders have identified the important knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember over time.
This is particularly successful in subjects such as art and geography. In mathematics, pupils follow a structured series of lessons that build on their previous learning. However, pupils in key stage 2 cannot recall important mathematical facts automatically, when solving more complex calculations.
Teachers receive the training that they need to deliver the ambitious curriculum. Lessons are carefully thought out. Teachers are clear about what pupils should know and by when, so that they can build knowledge over time.
The needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well met. Leaders ensure that these children receive appropriate support. Adaptations in lessons support pupils with SEND to learn alongside their peers.
The reading curriculum is designed to ensure that all children learn to read as a priority. There is a consistent approach to teaching phonics that starts in the early years. Nursery children enjoy listening to sounds in the environment before learning letter sounds.
This focus on reading continues as pupils move through the school.Reading lessons help pupils to develop a good understanding of what they read. Pupils develop a good understanding of complex vocabulary.
Adults support pupils to become fluent readers. Pupils read well. They enjoy taking home books from the selection of 'read before you leave' books.
There is a strong focus on the development of pupils' language and communication throughout the curriculum. This includes across all areas of learning in the early years and in all subjects in the curriculum. Leaders have identified the key vocabulary that they want pupils to know, understand and remember.
Staff explore the meaning of vocabulary in lessons. They encourage pupils to explain in full sentences. In geography, pupils in key stage 1 can give clear explanations, for example 'a harbour is where boats are kept'.
In the early years, leaders have thought carefully about the curriculum. The learning environment, both inside and outside, is well resourced and attractive. Children enjoy effective, focused teaching sessions with the teacher.
They are encouraged to be independent and apply their knowledge to solve problems and in play. There are lots of opportunities for children to develop their knowledge in mathematics and reading. Adults ask questions that develop children's vocabulary and language.
Staff in the early years build strong relationships with families. These help children to make a good start to school life.
In most lessons, pupils show positive attitudes to their learning.
Teachers use rewards to encourage pupils to do their best and work together. In most classrooms, teachers have clear routines and deal with any disruption fairly. However, some teachers are unsure about what to do if pupils are not behaving well.
Staff are proud to work at the school. They feel well supported by both school and trust leaders. Staff appreciate the headteacher's open door policy.
Leaders recognise the importance of regular attendance. They have invested in staff to manage and improve this. The governing body and leaders of the trust provide effective support and challenge to leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders, governors and trustees make careful checks on safeguarding procedures to assure themselves that pupils are safe. Staff know pupils well and are aware of signs that pupils may be at risk of harm.
Leaders have a clear system for staff to report any concerns that they may have. Pupils benefit from listening to visitors who come to the school to talk to them about keeping themselves safe.
Staff and governors receive regular training.
Staff training on how to listen to pupils and report a concern is thorough. However, leaders and governors have not ensured that staff understand the range of local and national risks that pupils may face.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Pupils' attainment and progress in mathematics for key stage 2 pupils has dipped.
Older pupils are too reliant on using equipment to work out mathematical facts. This means that pupils are unable to apply their knowledge automatically to more complex mathematical concepts. Leaders need to provide more training to staff to address gaps in learning for mathematics so that standards in key stage 2 improve.
• Some staff do not always follow the school's policy in order to manage behaviour and maintain high expectations. On occasions, a small number of pupils do not behave as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that all staff follow the agreed approach to managing behaviour so that expectations are consistently high.
• Leaders ensure that pupils are safe in school. However, staff do not fully understand how the training that they receive relates to the risks in the local area. Leaders need to ensure that a relevant and well-planned safeguarding training programme is in place for all staff.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.