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This is a good school Leaders have established a culture of high expectations, both of pupils and of teachers. They have secured significant improvements in the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, which is now good.
The Diocese of Norfolk Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT) provides effective support. Leaders and governors have benefited from the support and challenge provided, which has ensured that they focus on the right priorities. Pupils currently in the school, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make strong progress in a range of subjects, including English and mathematics.
Lea...ders have ensured that the curriculum provides opportunities for learning in a range of subjects. It motivates and interests pupils, and develops positive attitudes to learning. The early years provision is good.
Children make strong progress from their starting points and are well prepared for learning in key stage 1. Teachers share and understand the school's core values. They take every opportunity to refer to these values and support pupils' personal development well.
Pupils' behaviour is improving. There is a small group of pupils whose behaviour does not meet the high standards expected, which has resulted in high levels of exclusion. Absence has been consistently above the national average for several years.
The proportion of pupils with high levels of absence has also been too high. Leaders' actions are resulting in improvements for current pupils, but there is a small core of pupils whose absence remains too high. A small minority of teachers do not routinely use assessment information to plan learning activities that provide appropriate support and challenge for pupils of different abilities.
On occasion, teachers do not provide sufficient opportunities for pupils to develop mathematical reasoning, broaden their vocabulary or improve their spelling. This is particularly true for some pupils, including the most able, in key stage 2. Leaders have an accurate view of the school's strengths and areas for improvement.
However, they do not evaluate all their actions with equal precision to determine the difference that they are making.
Information about this school
Moorlands Church of England Primary Academy is part of the Diocese of Norwich. The school became a sponsored academy on 1 November 2013 and was the first school to be sponsored by DNEAT.
The current headteacher has been in post since June 2015. At the time of the previous inspection, the current senior leadership team had been recently formed. DNEAT has overall responsibility for the school.
The trust provides support for school improvement through the provision of professional development opportunities and the oversight of an Area Group Executive Principal (AGEP). The trust is responsible for all staffing appointments and audits the school's safeguarding arrangements. A local governing body is responsible for duties delegated by the trust, which include holding leaders to account for the standard of education provided and ensuring that the values and ethos of the school reflect those of the trust.
The school is larger than the average-sized primary school. There are two Reception classes and two Nursery classes. There are two Year 6 classes, one Year 5 class and three mixed year group classes in each of lower key stage 2 and key stage 1.
The very large majority of pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for the pupil premium is broadly average but increased significantly in the previous year. The proportion of pupils with SEND is broadly average, although the proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) is well below the national average.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.