Moortown Primary School

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About Moortown Primary School

Name Moortown Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Roundtree
Address Shadwell Lane, Leeds, LS17 6DR
Phone Number 01132685915
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 211
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Moortown Primary School is a special place to learn.

It is both academically ambitious and deeply caring. The school nurtures pupils' talents and interests. It fosters high levels of respect and tolerance within the school and beyond.

Pupils cooperate and achieve exceptionally well. The school has established a foundation for lifelong success amongst its pupils.Staff motivate pupils to be curious and resilient.

They approach new challenges with enthusiasm. Leaders have created an ambitious and inspirational curriculum. It helps pupils to understand important issues in the world today.

Pupils are motivated, listen well and ask meaningful questions. Th...ey love to learn. Pupils behave exceptionally well.

Bullying is rare. The school teaches children from the early years onwards to speak up, challenge inequality and show 'courageous activism'.Pupils feel safe.

Caring and knowledgeable staff support them. The school is a happy and healthy place to learn. Younger children know how to identify risks in their environment.

They appreciate what is safe and what is not. Older children are passionate about the environment, animals and their local area. They have worked with local councillors to increase the number of litter bins in the local area, and with the police on road safety.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum meets the needs of all pupils extremely well. It is broad and ambitious. Pupils study Latin, computer programming and learn about the work of artists and musicians.

Leaders ensure that pupils revisit important knowledge and skills over time so that they are deeply embedded. Links between different subjects are strong. For example, pupils use their knowledge of computing to perform tasks in music, art and design, design and technology, and geography.

Pupils develop a deep and rich understanding of the school's intended curriculum.The curriculum is skilfully taught with precision. Staff select appropriate activities and ask meaningful questions that help pupils to achieve highly.

This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff use assessment well to identify gaps in pupils' skills and knowledge. They take swift action so that no pupil is left behind.

The school continuously reviews the curriculum to ensure it is exciting, engaging and relevant for all pupils.Reading is the foundation of everything the school does. Leaders have thought carefully about how to inspire a love of reading among all pupils.

Reading is a priority in all curriculum subjects. Children in the early years begin learning to read quickly. Their learning environment has many and varied opportunities for reading and writing.

The school's approach to teaching phonics is highly effective. Pupils who need extra help to keep up and catch up, receive the support they need from a phonics champion. Pupils read confidently and enthusiastically.

Pupils with SEND are quickly identified, assessed and supported at the school. These pupils, who have a variety of SEND, receive the specialist help they need. Staff know the barriers that pupils with SEND face.

The school provides regular training related to children with SEND and understand how to meet their needs. The work that the small number of pupils with SEND produce is of a high quality.The school has created a curriculum which meets the needs of children in the early years exceptionally well.

The school's curriculum carefully considers what the youngest children need to know. Skilled staff work in the early years and know exactly how to get the best out of children. Interactions between adults and children are of a high quality.

Learning activities are carefully planned to develop children's skills, vocabulary and knowledge. Children learn and play in harmony.Pupils are rarely absent from school.

Rates of persistent absence for all groups of pupils are low. The school rewards good attendance and encourages punctuality. As a result, very little learning is lost at the school.

The schools' approach to nurturing pupils' personal development is exceptional. Pupils meet the Lord Mayor, go on residentials, speak to authors and have talks from a range of role models such as female engineers. Because the school inspires and motivates pupils, they are ambitious for their futures.

The curriculum highlights the wide range of careers pupils might follow. The 'Living and Learning' lessons pupils take part in embed important school and British values among pupils. Pupils develop their character by focusing on giving and receiving compliments, solving problems and debating global issues.

Leaders are exceptionally skilled, highly motivated and well informed about their school. The excellent education and pastoral care in place for all pupils shows their commitment and vision. Professional development for all staff is exemplary.

Leaders have planned high-quality training. Each decision leaders make is carefully made. Governors support and challenge leaders in equal measure.

They ensure funding is available to support vulnerable pupils. They fulfil their statutory duties effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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