Morelands Primary School

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About Morelands Primary School

Name Morelands Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Stephen Bilbe
Address Crookhorn Lane, Purbrook, Waterlooville, PO7 5QL
Phone Number 02392253770
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 328
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

At Morelands Primary School, pupils show how important their values of 'thrive, create and achieve' are.

Pupils thrive and achieve because of the high ambitions their teachers have for them. They know that adults in school want what is best for them. Pupils have the confidence to have a go with their learning because of this.

Pupils are proud to welcome all to their school community. Their respect for difference and equality is clear to see in the warm and inclusive environment they help to create.

All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), have their needs met well.

Pupils in the specially resourced provis...ion for pupils with SEND (specially resourced provision) achieve well and are very much part of the school community. As such, they benefit from the genuine care and encouragement shown to them by their peers in the mainstream classes.

Pupils trust adults in the school.

They value the expectations that staff have for how they will behave. As a result, pupils' behaviour is consistently positive. Bullying is rare and pupils feel safe in school.

Pupils are very clear about what bullying is and how adults at school will help them if they have any problems.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders' thinking about what pupils can and will achieve is ambitious. They have consulted with teachers and the special educational needs coordinator in deciding the most important knowledge that pupils need and the best way for them to learn it.

As such, there is a well-designed curriculum which fits the needs of all pupils within the school. In Reception, children gain the knowledge they need for learning in Year 1. Most subject leaders have worked with the reception leader to create these links in learning.

A small number of subject leaders are still establishing these deliberate links between their subjects and the curriculum in Reception. Subsequently, not all staff in the older year groups understand the knowledge that the youngest children have and so cannot effectively build on that knowledge as they enter Year 1.

Leaders have provided staff with expert training to meet the various additional needs of pupils within the school.

As such, staff have the knowledge they need to ensure all pupils are included and learn well. Staff and pupils are proud of their specially resourced provision. Staff working in the provision are highly skilled in the academic and therapeutic support they provide to the pupils they work with.

Due to this, these pupils have integrated very well into the school's mainstream classes.

All pupils, including those with SEND, achieve the ambitious aims of the curriculum in most subjects. However, in a small number of foundation subjects, not all activities are as ambitious as they could be.

As a result, pupils do not always have the opportunity to build on what they already know as well as they could.

The approach to early reading helps pupils to read with accuracy and fluency. Teachers use frequent assessment to identify pupils who may be falling behind and are quick to put in place activities to help them to catch up.

Pupils are enthusiastic and confident readers and enjoy talking about their books. Leaders have put in place an approach to reading in key stage 2 which builds on well from the sequenced phonics programme in Reception and Years 1 and 2.

Inclusivity is clear to see in the approach of staff and pupils throughout the school.

Leaders have chosen a personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum that teaches pupils about the diversity present within the world. As a result, pupils have strong knowledge of individuality and equality and they show this in all they do. Leaders have thought about the wider opportunities pupils in this school need.

Pupils build leadership skills through important roles such as physical education and art monitors, head gardeners and librarians. Leaders use trips well to enhance the school's curriculum while giving pupils, including the most disadvantaged, new and enriching experiences.

Staff are consistent in their messages to pupils about their conduct.

This has created an environment where everyone is aware of the high expectations for how they should behave. This also helps pupils to become positive members of the community and to have positive attitudes towards their learning. Leaders work hard to remove barriers to attendance.

However, the persistent absence of disadvantaged pupils is too high.

Leaders' and governors' vision for the school inspires staff, and they are proud to be part of making it a reality. Leaders work well with governors and the local authority to make the necessary improvements to the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders show awareness of the risks that pupils may face in the wider world. They have considered what pupils need to know to be able to keep themselves safe online and in the wider community.

Pupils learn about this in their PSHE lessons.

All staff know what to look for if they have any concerns about a pupil. They follow school processes for safeguarding effectively.

This means that leaders can get the help that pupils and their families need when they need it. Leaders ensure record-keeping and employment checks are robust and follow safeguarding guidance. These are regularly monitored by governors.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of foundation subjects, leaders' ambitious aims are not yet fully embedded. This means that pupils are not consistently achieving as well as they could across the entire curriculum. Leaders should ensure that staff know how to implement ambitious activities to build pupils' knowledge.

• Leaders are still refining the curriculum sequencing from early years to key stage 1 in some subjects. Currently, in a few subjects, some pupils repeat learning they can already do or start at a point that assumes knowledge they do not have. Leaders should ensure that all teachers in key stage 1 fully understand the knowledge that pupils learn in early years.

• Persistent absence of the most vulnerable pupils is too high. These pupils are not fully benefitting from all that school has to offer. Leaders should now carefully consider what additional strategies and support the most vulnerable families need to further improve attendance.

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