Mosaic Jewish Primary School

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About Mosaic Jewish Primary School

Name Mosaic Jewish Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Liz Garbrah
Address 170 Roehampton Lane, Roehampton, London, SW15 4EU
Phone Number 02089448731
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Jewish
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 192
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school.

Leaders and governors have been successful in establishing a school community in which pupils of different faiths and cultures embrace their differences. The school achieves a good balance between the observance of Jewish traditions and those of other religions. Pupils are very well prepared for their lives in modern Britain as a result of the active promotion of British values.

Achievement is outstanding with a high proportion of pupils making more than the expected progress. Standards in reading, writing and mathematics are well above those seen nationally. Leaders and governors place a high value on training.

As a res...ult, the high quality of teaching has an exceptional impact on pupils' achievement. Teachers have very high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Classroom environments and lessons stimulate and enthuse pupils, inspiring them to learn.

Ensuring that pupils are safe has a high priority. Effective measures to secure the school site and to promote safe practices lead to pupils feeling safe. Pupils relate very well to each other and adults.

They demonstrate great maturity and impeccable manners during mealtimes. As a result of the well-planned curriculum and close attention to individuals' needs, children make outstanding progress during the Early Years Foundation Stage. The governing board is highly effective.

Governors' expertise is deployed well and, as a result, leaders are stringently held to account for the school's performance. Parents express a very high level of satisfaction with the work of the school. This is as a result of the close relationships established between home and school.

Information about this school

This free school opened in September 2013 when it admitted children in the Reception Year. It is currently much smaller than the average-sized primary school. The school will move to permanent, purpose-built premises in September 2015 when it will admit children into two Reception classes.

The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is above average. There are no pupils on roll entitled to support from the pupil premium. This is additional funding for pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals and children looked after by the local authority.

Pupils come from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. The school describes itself as 'a cross communal, mixed school, dedicated to creating an environment in which children can grow to their fullest potential as responsible and dedicated members of the Jewish community and of British society.' Provision in the Reception class is full time.

The school does not use alternative provision. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above average. There are no public examination results by which to measure the school's performance against the government's current floor standards.

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