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Pupils thrive at Mosborough Primary School. The keen sense of community between staff and pupils helps pupils to feel safe and cared for. High quality interactions between staff and pupils are an important feature of this school.
Adults make sure that no learning time is lost.
Pupils behave exceptionally well. They treat each other and staff with respect.
In lessons, pupils listen carefully to their teachers and are engaged and enthusiastic. At social times, pupils get on extremely well. Staff provide a range of activities to make social times fun.
The school has an extremely well-designed curriculum. Pupils, including those with special educational ...needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make excellent progress. They enjoy learning and aim high.
Pupils persist with their learning, even when tasks are more challenging.
Pupils engage in the life of the school and the wider community. Leaders provide a variety of opportunities for pupils to develop their leadership skills.
For example, 'Rights rovers' help other pupils to know and celebrate their rights and responsibilities as confident citizens and the eco-committee ensures pupils are aware of environmental issues such as saving power. These pupils are role models to their friends. They reinforce the school's high expectations.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed the curriculum carefully so that staff know what pupils should learn. Staff have excellent subject knowledge. They know what knowledge to emphasise to pupils and when.
They check that pupils are remembering the most important knowledge regularly. Pupils produce work of consistently high quality. Leaders have included many enhancements to the curriculum.
These include regular trips to places of historical interest, both locally and regionally, which bring pupils' learning in history alive. In French, leaders have established connections with schools in French speaking countries to provide pupils with the opportunity to apply their learning. Pupils study a diverse range of artists in their art lessons.
In maths and science, pupils have frequent opportunities to apply their learning. They develop a strong sense of what it means to work scientifically.
The school has an excellent understanding of the best ways to support pupils with SEND.
Leaders select highly effective interventions to meet pupils' individual needs. They ensure that staff have the training they need to deliver these interventions effectively. Staff adapt learning, where necessary, to make sure all pupils get the most out of learning activities.
Children in the early years get off to an excellent start. Adults are enthusiastic and demonstrate a strong understanding of early learning development. They immerse children in learning.
Staff choose activities that help children to understand the curriculum. They are skilful at making sure children learn and use new vocabulary well. Subject leaders have identified the early knowledge that children need to make sure they are prepared well for their learning in Year 1.
The school prioritises the teaching of reading. The well-established scheme for teaching phonics helps pupils learn to read quickly. Staff teach the phonics sessions consistently.
They intervene quickly to support any pupil who is falling behind. As a result, pupils become fluent, confident readers quickly. The school provides lots of opportunities for pupils to read and study high-quality texts.
Leaders have chosen texts which complement and enhance pupils' learning across the curriculum. Pupils talk enthusiastically about the books they have been reading.
The school has designed the curriculum for pupils' personal, social and health education as carefully as the academic subjects.
The curriculum is ambitious. Pupils talk confidently about concepts such as democracy and staying safe online. There are regular opportunities for pupils to build their understanding of other faiths and cultures.
Pupils respect and value people from diverse backgrounds. Their behaviours reflect their understanding of the fundamental British values. Almost all pupils have joined one or more of the school's high-quality, extra-curricular clubs.
The 'world explorers' club, in which pupils learn geography, is particularly popular.
Leadership at all levels is very strong. Governors provide highly effective support and challenge.
They know the school well and are determined it will continue to improve. Senior leaders have created a school community that staff are proud to be part of. Staff receive extensive training opportunities and engage with research.
Morale is extremely high. Pupils and families highly praise the school, which is the hub of its local community.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.