Mossford Green Primary School

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About Mossford Green Primary School

Name Mossford Green Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Matthew Tranter
Address Fairlop Road, Barkingside, Ilford, IG6 2EW
Phone Number 02085501602
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 455
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at school and excited about their learning. They are proud to share the work they have done and talk about what they have learned.

Leaders provide an ambitious curriculum, which pupils enjoy. They ensure that the curriculum helps pupils to learn about different cultures and backgrounds. In early years, staff provide children with excellent support and guidance.

The school's values thread through school life. Pupils show respect for each other in their play and when learning. They work hard, and teachers encourage them to think independently.

All staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour and attitudes to learning. They help to keep pup...ils safe. Classes are very calm and positive places to be, where pupils' behaviour is superb.

Leaders ensure that all pupils access a wealth of personal development opportunities. Teachers plan activities to provide a range of learning experiences to enhance the curriculum. All pupils learn to play a range of instruments.

They can perform and attend concerts. Leaders make great use of the local area. For example, pupils visit the local forest and museums.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide an ambitious curriculum, which makes learning relevant for pupils. They have considered the important knowledge they want pupils to know. Leaders sequence the curriculum to build on what pupils have already learned.

They have considered the key vocabulary they want pupils to learn in all subjects. In early years, staff help children to develop very well across all areas of learning. For instance, in mathematics, teachers help children to develop their understanding of number.

In Nursery, staff help children to order numbers successfully.

Leaders provide pupils with rich learning experiences to deepen their understanding. For instance, pupils in Year 6 researched, designed, weaved and sewed tunics as part of their learning about Robin Hood.

In geography, staff teach pupils to learn about regions of the world. Teachers encourage pupils to share their views, such as when debating about global warming. They have strong subject knowledge, which enables them to question pupils to check their understanding well.

In early years, staff develop children's speaking and listening skills effectively. Children enjoy a range of stories, rhymes and songs to support their language development. Through training and shared resources, leaders ensure that a consistent approach to teaching phonics is implemented.

This enables pupils to learn letter sounds quickly, blending the letters to read words. Leaders create a love of reading across the school. Pupils practise reading daily through a carefully selected and varied range of texts.

Pupil librarians also support their peers to select books to read for pleasure.

Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Carefully planned support and adapted resources enable pupils to access the full curriculum.

In early years, staff support children with SEND to manage their emotions and learn to play with their peers successfully.

High expectations from all staff ensure that behaviour across the school is exemplary. Staff teach pupils to respect and embrace their differences.

They help pupils to learn about other cultures and beliefs. Teachers establish effective routines as soon as pupils start school. In Reception, children complete learning activities independently.

Leaders offer a vast array of activities to support pupils' wider development. Pupils design and cost projects. They raise money for charities linked to what they are learning.

Leaders provide a range of opportunities for pupils to develop leadership roles. During playtimes, older pupils arrange, and provide support for, games for younger pupils. School council representatives share pupils' views with leaders.

The governing body knows the school well and provides leaders with appropriate challenge and support. Staff value the support they receive from leaders and enjoy working at the school. Some staff shared that recent changes to the curriculum had led to an increased workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created a positive culture of safeguarding in the school. All staff receive regular safeguarding training.

This helps staff to understand how to identify and manage any concerns. Robust systems are in place to monitor and support vulnerable pupils. Leaders work with external agencies effectively.

They are aware of the local safeguarding risks to pupils. They ensure that pupils understand these risks through lessons and talks from visitors.

Leaders have created an environment where pupils feel secure to share their worries.

Pupils know that they can speak with any adult who will listen to their concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Recent changes to the curriculum have led to an increased workload for some staff. Leaders need to make sure that any changes, including to the curriculum, carefully take into account staff workload and well-being.

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