Mulberry School for Girls

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About Mulberry School for Girls

Name Mulberry School for Girls
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Alice Ward
Address Richard Street, Commercial Road, London, E1 2JP
Phone Number 02077906327
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1616
Local Authority Tower Hamlets
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

At Mulberry, girls receive an outstanding education. Leaders have successfully established a positive and aspirational culture.

Pupils show great dedication to their learning and take pride in their accomplishments. They consistently produce work of a high quality. These achievements are reflected in the excellent academic outcomes.

The school has high expectations for pupils' learning and conduct. Behaviour is exemplary. Pupils know the routines in lessons and no time is wasted.

There are warm and respectful relationships between staff and pupils. Pupils are supportive of their peers and many volunteer as academic mentors. Pupils with special educational nee...ds and/or disabilities (SEND) do very well.

This is because teachers are equally ambitious for these pupils.

The school provides extensive opportunities for pupils to develop their interests, talents and leadership skills. Pupils are excellent ambassadors for their school, including through the STEM Academy and Global Girl Leading programmes.

Sixth- form students help to organise and host the annual youth conference. The arts and creativity are at the heart of the school. Pupils take up the many opportunities to participate in performances, events and competitions with enthusiasm.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

There is a well-embedded and exceptionally ambitious curriculum for both the school and sixth form. Leaders have set out a clear vision and intent for each subject. This means teachers know the crucial knowledge that pupils need to learn.

Leaders work closely with local primary schools to ensure that the curriculum builds successfully on what pupils already know. This helps pupils to get off to a flying start when they join. In some subjects, pupils are deliberately introduced to challenging content and concepts early on to help prepare them for later study, including at university.

In Year 7, the curriculum establishes clear foundations for future learning. In languages, for instance, pupils develop secure knowledge of the essential verbs needed to form basic sentences. In religious education, pupils learn the key conventions for asking ethical questions respectfully.

This prepares them to explore the concept of morality in Year 8 and to engage with key philosophical questions in Year 9.

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge. In lessons, they use questioning skilfully to check pupils' understanding and extend their learning.

They ensure that pupils have sufficient time and opportunities to practise so that their knowledge is secure. New information is presented clearly. Where needed, teachers make subtle and highly effective adaptations for pupils with SEND, ensuring that they learn the intended curriculum very well.

Pupils know the learning routines and follow them. Behaviour rarely disrupts learning. This is the result of leaders' deliberate work over time to establish a strong aspirational culture.

Reading is celebrated across the school. The library is very well attended and younger pupils look forward to their weekly library sessions. Book lists are carefully curated, allowing pupils to pursue their interests through reading.

There is an appropriate phonics programme for pupils who are in the earlier stages of learning to read. This is delivered by staff who are well trained. This helps pupils to catch up quickly.

The school's determination to remove barriers to girls' achievement is uncompromising. Pupils understand that there should be no limits to their aspirations. This vision is underpinned by an exceptional personal development programme.

It is highly ambitious in its scope and reach. Pupils are exposed to a wide range of experiences, ideas and opportunities. Many alumni contribute to this programme and serve as excellent role models.

The programme of personal, social, health and economic education ensures that pupils learn the knowledge that they need to take care of their health and make informed choices. The curriculum is highly effective because it reflects the real-life challenges that pupils face.

The arts have high priority across the school.

Pupils understand how creativity can enrich their lives. They pursue creative activities and engage with different and unfamiliar ideas with enthusiasm. Students in the sixth form benefit from an ambitious 'super curriculum', which provides regular opportunities to hear from leading thinkers and engage with topical issues.

There is strong take-up of the offer in the sixth form, including from disadvantaged pupils. Students achieve exceptionally well. A high proportion of students transition successfully on to higher education and university.

Staff are proud to work here and there is strong support for their professional development. They work diligently to engage families and the wider community. There is strong uptake of the extensive training and support offered to them.

The school is supported very well by the trust and an experienced and committed local governing body. They ensure that leaders have the support that they need to realise their vision for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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