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Pupils enjoy school. They look forward to coming to school.
Pupils value the warm and friendly relationships they have with each other and their teachers. One pupil said, 'Our teachers are very talented. They are all good at different things.'
Pupils value the school's Christian ethos. Leaders provide time during collective worship for pupils to be reflective about their own beliefs and those of others.
Pupils are well mannered and respectful.
Most pupils behave well. A small minority of pupils find it difficult to stay focused during lessons. This means that they do not learn as well as they could.
Pupils say that bullying is rar...e. If bullying does happen, pupils are confident that leaders will deal with it quickly.
Pupils feel safe in school.
They learn how to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations, including when they are using the internet.
There is a wide range of after-school clubs. Pupils enjoy clubs such as 'Magic Maths', and those for music and sport.
These are well attended.
Leaders' vision is one of success for all. They have high aspirations for every pupil.
Leaders want all pupils to be the best they can possibly be.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have planned the curriculum so that it is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils. They have made sure that lessons follow a sequence that helps pupils to build their knowledge step by step.
Pupils have frequent opportunities to revisit their prior learning. This means that they remember more of what they have been taught.
Pupils study a rich and balanced curriculum.
They talk about the work they do in different subjects with enthusiasm. Leaders have made sure that the curriculum begins in early years. This well-sequenced curriculum ensures that children in Reception Year are well prepared for Year 1.
Leaders have prioritised improving pupils' reading skills. Children begin learning phonics as soon as they enter Reception Year. Most younger pupils are able to use their phonic knowledge to read words.
Older pupils can talk about their favourite books and authors. Leaders have recently introduced a new phonics programme that identifies precisely the order in which pupils should learn new sounds and letters. Staff have had some training to teach the new approach.
Although it is not fully embedded, they have started to implement the new programme across early years and key stage 1.
Mathematics is well planned and taught. Teachers have good subject knowledge.
Pupils say that they enjoy their mathematics lessons. Teachers support pupils to remember more of what they have learned by using their 'spaced learning' approach. Pupils use their 'last month, this week and next week' sheets to revisit previous learning.
From Reception onwards, teachers make sure that mathematics learning is meaningful. Older pupils discuss the importance of mathematics. For example, pupils explained to inspectors that a knowledge of area was needed to be a landscape gardener.
Pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning. When lessons are engaging, pupils behave well and remain on task. In most classes, teachers have established clear routines and high expectations.
However, some pupils in some classes find it difficult to stay on task. This is because teachers do not have high enough expectations of all pupils' behaviour. The routines are not as well embedded in a minority of classes.
Leaders, staff and governors are committed to ensuring that all pupils develop skills that help them prepare for life. They encourage pupils to be independent and resilient. A 'Forces Club' gives support to pupils whose parents and carers are in the Armed Forces.
Pupils have time to talk and help each other through the times when their parents may be deployed overseas. Pupils are rightly proud of their sporting achievements. The range of sporting after-school clubs has helped pupils to be highly successful in competitive events.
Leaders ensure that pupils learn about the wider world. They learn about different cultures and religions. Pupils spoke with respect when talking about diversity and different families.
They know that everyone is equal. Older pupils told the inspectors, 'It doesn't matter who you love, that's ok.'
Staff appreciate the support of senior leaders and governors.
They recognise leaders' efforts to ensure that their well-being and workload are a priority. There is a strong sense of community in the school. The support given to families throughout the national COVID-19 restrictions shows the care and consideration given to all members of the school community.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The culture of safeguarding is strong. Staff and governors are well trained in how to ensure that pupils are kept safe.
Staff recognise the importance of promoting pupils' health, well-being, and social and emotional development.
Leaders ensure that pupils are given the right help if it is needed. They work closely with external agencies to make sure that they receive support should it be required.
Leaders make sure that the appropriate checks are made on staff before they start work in the school. The procedures for the safe recruitment of new staff are robust.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Leaders have recently introduced a new approach to teaching phonics.
Staff have had some training. The new approach is still in the early stages of implementation. Leaders should continue to support staff to deliver the phonics programme effectively and with confidence, so that all pupils learn to read accurately.
• The behaviour of a small minority of pupils in some classes is unsettled because of a lack of established routines and teachers' low expectations. This means that these pupils do not achieve as well as they could. Leaders should work with teachers to ensure that they have suitably high expectations of pupils' behaviour and that they support pupils to live up to these.