Netherseal St Peter’s CofE (C) Primary School

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About Netherseal St Peter’s CofE (C) Primary School

Name Netherseal St Peter’s CofE (C) Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Melanie Machell
Address Main Street, Swadlincote, DE12 8BZ
Phone Number 01283760283
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 57
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Netherseal St Peter's is a happy school, where pupils are confident and motivated to learn. Pupils flourish because they understand and meet the high expectations set by leaders.

Pupils proudly demonstrate the school's values of power, respect, independence, determination, and eco-friendly ('PRIDE'). This prepares them well for life in modern society. Leaders provide structured tasks, which promotes pupils' independence, resilience and a sense of curiosity.

Relationships between pupils and adults are very positive. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Pupils contribute to the life of the school as mental health and anti-bullying ambassadors.

They show respect for ...each other and for staff.

Pupils enjoy a wide range of experiences during their time at the school. They learn to play a musical instrument.

They write and perform songs and poems. Pupils play dodgeball and Kwik cricket, and they go on forest walks. They visit faith centres in the local community and in Derby.

Parents value greatly the work the school does to support their children. One parent stated: 'The school offers so much for my son. He wants to go to school every day, and at the weekend too, as he has so much fun.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have constructed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders have successfully adapted the curriculum for the mixed-age classes. Most curriculum plans identify the key knowledge that pupils need to learn and the order in which they need to learn it.

Leaders have provided training to develop staff's expertise in curriculum development. Teachers implement the curriculum effectively in most subjects.

Teachers make regular checks to find out what pupils know.

This helps teachers to identify and deal with gaps in pupils' knowledge. Teachers provide pupils with regular memory tasks to revisit what they have learned. This helps pupils know more and remember more.

Pupils with SEND access the full curriculum and are successful. Leaders have made improvements to ensure that the curriculum for pupils with SEND is well suited to meet their needs. Leaders identify pupils with SEND as soon as possible.

Teachers receive training to support these pupils effectively.

Leaders have made reading a priority at the school. Pupils learn to read quickly when they start in Reception.

All staff are trained to teach the systematic phonics programme. The daily phonics sessions are highly structured. Teachers make sure that books are matched to the letters and sounds that pupils are learning.

Teachers read daily to pupils from a wide range of texts. These are often linked to their learning in other subjects. Leaders identify pupils who may be falling behind in their reading.

These pupils receive extra support to catch up. Pupils practise reading regularly to become fluent readers. Pupils say that they enjoy reading.

Children in the early years have a positive start to their education. A well-sequenced and ambitious curriculum ensures children are ready for their next phase of learning. There is a strong focus on children acquiring language and vocabulary.

Teachers guide children effectively. Children enjoy learning through well-planned activities. Teachers assess children regularly to identify their needs.

Parents say that communication with the school is strong. This enables parents to support their child effectively when learning at home.

Pupils have a positive attitude to their learning and encourage each other to be the best they can be.

They behave exceptionally well in lessons and around school. They are respectful and take pride in who they are and in their school environment. Leaders make frequent checks on pupils' attendance.

Very few pupils are regularly absent.

Leaders provide many opportunities to enhance pupils' personal development. Responsibilities play a key role in developing pupils' characters.

Pupils actively support their peers with their well-being. Leaders have designed the curriculum to broaden pupils' horizons and deepen cultural understanding. Pupils learn how to debate important issues.

This enables pupils to be tolerant and respectful of difference and of others. Pupils have a mature understanding of British values. Pupils develop a strong understanding of world religions.

Pupils learn to keep themselves healthy and safe. The strength in personal development ensures pupils develop into responsible and thoughtful citizens.

Staff are proud to work at the school.

Leaders consider staff's well-being and workload. Governors are very well informed about the school. They hold leaders to account, but they also support them to bring about improvements.

Governors fulfil their statutory responsibilities well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding at this school.

Leaders and governors regularly check the school's safeguarding procedures. Staff are clear about their responsibilities for safeguarding pupils. Leaders make sure that staff have regular training.

Staff are quick to report any concerns they may have. Record-keeping is comprehensive. Leaders take prompt action when concerns are raised.

Leaders make sure that vulnerable pupils, and their families, receive the help they need.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in different situations. They know that if they are worried or concerned, trusted adults in school are there to help.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the precise knowledge and key vocabulary that leaders want pupils to learn, and by when, is not as clear as it could be. As a result, pupils do not achieve as well as they should in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that there is clarity and precision around the knowledge and vocabulary that they want pupils to learn, and by when, from the early years through to Year 6.

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