Neville’s Cross Primary School and Nursery

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About Neville’s Cross Primary School and Nursery

Name Neville’s Cross Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rachel Brannan
Address Relly Path, Neville’s Cross, Durham, DH1 4JG
Phone Number 01913842249
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 292
Local Authority County Durham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school's extremely high expectations for pupils' academic achievement and wider personal development are well met.

Pupils are courteous, respectful and curious. Their behaviour in lessons and at breaktimes is exemplary. By the end of Year 6, pupils achieve standards in reading, writing and mathematics that are significantly above the national average.

Pupils enjoy life at this school. They are safe and happy. Pupils attend regularly and arrive on time.

They benefit from the extensive range of extra-curricular activities the school provides, including musical theatre and drama, boxercise and cheerleading. The school's reputation for sporting excellence is... well deserved.

The school prepares pupils for life in modern Britain very well.

The curriculum is enhanced by events such as Black History Month and International Women's Day. Pupils' knowledge of the world of work is enhanced through age-appropriate careers education. They carry out roles of responsibility, such as 'belonging buddies', with dedication and enthusiasm.

Pupils are prepared thoroughly for the demands of secondary schooling by the time they leave Neville's Cross. They are well-rounded individuals, who leave with a host of wonderful memories to cherish.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school liaises well with parents, carers and childcare providers before children start school in the early years.

Children settle into the school's routines quickly. They are nurtured well. Parents, through the school's 'Busy Bee' questionnaires, contribute to the school's knowledge of their children regularly.

The early years curriculum prepares children well for the demands of Year 1 and beyond.

The school's curriculum has been redeveloped over the last two years. Leaders review individual subject curriculums regularly.

The curriculums, including subject-specific vocabulary, are sequenced appropriately. Currently, leaders are making sure that the curriculums meet the needs of pupils in single- and mixed-age classes equally well. Teachers provide pupils with tasks that help them to recall what they have learned.

Pupils remember important knowledge and connect it to their new learning well.

The provision for reading has been enhanced through the introduction of a new phonics programme. This programme is well resourced.

It is delivered by highly trained staff. Despite this, the books that some pupils are given to read are not matched closely enough to the sounds that they know. These pupils do not become confident and fluent readers quickly.

The school provides additional support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). On occasion, this support is not tailored to pupils' individual needs closely enough.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are exemplary.

They have a thirst for knowledge. They contribute to lessons with great enthusiasm. The school's record-keeping is thorough.

It enables leaders to identify any behavioural trends. This identification leads to, for example, the provision of therapeutic support for pupils who need extra help. The school engages cooperatively with external agencies, such as Durham County Council's emotional well-being and effective learning team, to meet the needs of pupils and their families.

The school provides a vast range of opportunities and activities that extend the curriculum while developing pupils' character. In addition to extra-curricular clubs, these opportunities include a wide range of educational visits, in-school sporting events and cross-school sporting competitions. Pupils have a deep knowledge and understanding of the school's values and of fundamental British values.

They experience democracy in action when electing their school councillors. Pupils use vocabulary such as hustings, debates and votes confidently. They cast their votes in 'real' voting booths.

Relationships education is delivered sensitively and knowledgeably. Pupils told the inspectors that it is 'okay to be yourself'. They are tolerant and respectful of each other's individual differences.

Pupils understand the concept of consent, at an age-appropriate level.

Recently, the highly skilled and well-trained governing body has overseen major changes at the school. These changes include a new senior management team, a new curriculum and a new management information system.

Some parents feel that these changes have not been communicated well enough. Two-way cooperative communication between the school and some parents is not developed as well as it could be.

The school considers staff well-being carefully.

For example, leaders trial new initiatives before they are implemented to gauge their effect on staff workload. Staff appreciate this care and support. They, alongside their pupils, are happy at Neville's Cross Primary School and Nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The provision for some pupils with SEND is not matched to their needs closely enough. These pupils do not make the progress of which they are capable.

The school must ensure pupils' individual needs are identified accurately and provided for fully. ? Some aspects of communication between school and home are inconsistent. The school should further enhance its home-school communication strategy to get the most from this aspect of its work.

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