New City Primary School

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About New City Primary School

Name New City Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms C Stone
Address Tunmarsh Lane, Plaistow, London, E13 9NE
Phone Number 02084722743
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 635
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils said they really enjoy coming to this school. They like their lessons because teachers make learning interesting and exciting. Pupils are happy and safe.

Leaders are highly ambitious for all. Parents and carers view the school positively. They particularly like that staff get to know their children very well.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils rise to these. They work hard in lessons and take pride in their learning.

Pupils get on well with each other and they are respectful. Staff deal with any incidents of bullying effectively.

Pupils' work displayed around the school celebrates their achievements and reflects the scho...ol's excellent curriculum.

Leaders ensure that everyone's uniqueness is celebrated. All pupils achieve highly and participate fully in the life of their school. For example, every pupil had a role in the Year 6 'High School Musical'.

Pupils learn about different beliefs and cultures. They enjoy celebrating different religious festivals.

Leaders offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, such as basketball, cheerleading and engineering.

These help to encourage pupils to develop their interests. Pupils have many opportunities to display their talents, including in sports and music. For example, the school choir recently sang at Buckingham Palace as part of the Commonwealth Choir.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for every pupil. They have given a great deal of thought to designing a rich curriculum that meets pupils' needs and interests, from early years to Year 6. Staff make sure that new learning builds on what pupils have previously been taught.

This helps pupils to secure a deep and detailed understanding of all subjects. For example, in geography, pupils in Year 1 understood the importance of drinking enough water in hot weather. They remembered the word 'hydration' and used it accurately.

In the early years, staff focus well on children's language development and communication skills. They use every opportunity to extend children's vocabulary.

Teachers plan opportunities to revisit subject content.

In mathematics, for example, teachers recap essential concepts regularly so that pupils embed these in their long-term memory. Pupils in Year 2, for instance, confidently used their knowledge of multiplication tables to help them solve problems. Staff check pupils' understanding meticulously.

They are skilled in addressing any misconceptions that pupils may have. Teachers are well trained. They have in-depth knowledge of the subjects they teach.

Leaders support and guide staff well. They make sure that staff have the expertise and confidence to deliver the demanding curriculum in accordance with leaders' high expectations.Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve exceptionally well.

Leaders make sure that pupils with SEND and those who find aspects of their learning challenging get the help they need. Teachers identify pupils' individual needs accurately and promptly. They use what they know about pupils' needs to tailor learning.

Pupils with SEND benefit from the additional time they get with teachers to reinforce their learning.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. In the early years, children learn clear routines and expectations.

As they move through the school, pupils continue to show high levels of conduct. Pupils work together well in lessons and focus on their learning. They are highly motivated, and lessons are free from disruption.

All around the school, it is clear to see the importance everyone puts on reading. Pupils read widely for pleasure. They took great delight in talking about their favourite books and authors.

Pupils were keen to explain why the writer used particular language and how this made them, as readers, feel.

Children start learning to read as soon as they join Nursery. Well-trained staff deliver phonics sessions consistently throughout the early years and Year 1.

They check pupils' reading regularly and make sure that pupils have books that help them build fluency. Pupils who find reading more difficult or those who are new to the school receive extra support to help them catch up quickly.

Leaders cater exceptionally well for pupils' wider development.

Pupils learn about the importance of concepts such as democracy, individual liberty and tolerance and what these mean to them in their school and community. Pupils have opportunities to discuss topics such as climate change, racism and conflict and are taught to respect the opinions of others. Teachers encourage pupils to think about people less fortunate than themselves.

For example, pupils choose charities and then organise fundraising events such as the 'international enterprise evening'. Pupils take their positions of responsibility seriously. For instance, 'peer mentors' serve pupils with water at lunch, while others monitor the safe use of the play apparatus.

Leaders take pupils' views on board. Recently, pupils from the school council gave presentations to the governing body about improvements to the school.

Staff enjoy working at the school.

Leaders are mindful of their workload and their professional development. Staff feel valued by leaders. Everyone works together for the benefit of the pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff receive regular updates on their safeguarding training. This means that staff are alert to any signs that pupils may be at risk of harm.

Staff act quickly, following agreed procedures, if they have any concerns about pupils' well-being. They understand that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

Leaders make timely and appropriate referrals to external agencies where necessary.

They carry out all the required pre-recruitment checks on staff to ensure they are suitable to work with children.

Pupils on the school council have an active role in ensuring that pupils understand how to keep themselves safe. They have written, for example, child-friendly versions of the safeguarding policy which are displayed around the school.

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