New Close Primary School

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About New Close Primary School

Name New Close Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Louise Kilminster
Address 30 Imber Road, Warminster, BA12 9JJ
Phone Number 01985212304
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 123
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and staff have high expectations for pupils' learning and behaviour.

Teachers expect pupils to always do their best and show pride in their work. Pupils enjoy coming to school. Special events such as reading in their pyjamas for World Book Day make school fun.

The school is proud of its links with the regiments serving on the nearby military base. Pupils join with the regiments at special ceremonies.

Pupils behave well in their lessons and on the playground.

They respect the school rules. Pupils enjoy receiving rewards such as house points. They trust adults to help them if they have problems with their friends.

Pupils say that does not happen. If it did, they would use the 'worry box' to alert an adult. There is well-planned support for the small number of pupils who need help to manage their emotions and feelings.

The school is a calm place to learn.

Staff in early years understand children's development well. Staff guide and support pupils effectively.

They encourage them to be independent and self-reliant learners. This prepares pupils well for the next stage of their education.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have implemented a curriculum that shows their ambition for all to succeed.

In many subjects, teachers have secure subject knowledge. Teachers prioritise the core knowledge that underpins pupils' future learning. In art, for example, staff in Reception Year guided children to use brushes of different sizes to design and paint Mother's Day cards.

In Years 5 and 6, pupils can explain perspective and draw faces in proportion. Pupils build well on their knowledge of art techniques and artists over time.

In mathematics, leaders have ensured that there is precision and consistency in how pupils learn mathematics.

They have guided teachers in how to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils in the mixed-age classes. However, in a small number of subjects, leaders have not fully developed teachers' subject knowledge. As a result, pupils do not know and remember the curriculum as well as they could across all subjects.

Leaders rightly prioritise reading. Children in Reception are taught the sounds they need to read successfully. Pupils read books that are matched to the sounds they are learning.

Teachers model well what reading with accuracy and fluency sounds like. Pupils learn to read with expression to support their comprehension. Teachers strengthen pupils' knowledge of reading across a range of subjects.

Some pupils, including some pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), need additional support with reading. Teachers and teaching assistants skilfully provide extra help. However, the assessment of pupils' phonic and reading knowledge is not precise for this group of pupils.

This makes it difficult for teachers to identify accurately the next step for pupils' reading development. This limits their ability to catch up quickly.

Leaders are developing ways of assessing pupils' knowledge across the wider curriculum.

In history, for example, teachers ask pupils to reflect on their learning and form opinions. For instance, some pupils in key stage 2 formed the opinion that the Anglo-Saxons were a skilled and creative society. They based this on their knowledge of metalwork and jewellery from the period.

In some other subjects, assessment is at an early stage.

The school's values teach pupils to show respect and take responsibility. Pupils are taught to be the best they can be.

They understand democracy and how this is an important British value. House captains and junior leaders take their roles seriously. Pupils are taught about the world's variety of cultures and beliefs.

The school teaches pupils good habits for a healthy life. Older pupils know what having good mental health means. Younger pupils learn about the importance of good sleep as well as healthy food.

Staff in early years emphasise the importance of washing one's hands. The school has recently strengthened the pastoral support it offers pupils. This includes support for pupils when members of their family are away on military service.

The school is inclusive. In particular, the well-being of pupils with SEND has a high priority.

Leaders work well with parents and carers to overcome any issues stopping pupils from attending school.

This swift support has improved attendance.

Leaders benefit from working with colleagues from across the trust to share good practice. Senior leaders in the trust hold leaders to account for the effectiveness of the school.

Trustees and school leaders prioritise staff well-being and workload. Staff appreciate this support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders' recruitment checks are thorough. This ensures that all adults who work with pupils are safe to do so. The trust oversees the school's arrangements for safeguarding.

This supports school leaders in their role.

Staff know pupils well and are vigilant for their well-being. Staff receive regular updates to their training.

They are swift to report any concerns they may have that a pupil is at risk. Leaders act on concerns and seek help for families from a range of agencies.

Pupils learn to keep themselves safe, including when they are online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, leaders have still to strengthen teachers' subject knowledge so that the curriculum is delivered as they intend. As a result, pupils do not learn as well in some subjects as others. Leaders should continue the professional development of teachers' subject knowledge so that pupils learn equally well in all subjects.

• In some subjects, assessment is not used effectively to identify pupils' next steps. Therefore, teachers do not have a full picture of what pupils know and need to learn next. Leaders should ensure that assessment is used effectively.

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