New Invention Infant School

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About New Invention Infant School

Name New Invention Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Debbie Ann Naffati
Address Cannock Road, New Invention, Willenhall, WV12 5SA
Phone Number 01922710871
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 338
Local Authority Walsall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders want the very best for pupils in this welcoming and friendly school. They ensure that pupils' early experiences of education are happy and memorable.

Staff and pupils put into practice the school's motto - 'we can… we will… together'. Everyone works together to make the school a busy and purposeful place.

Pupils work and play together well.

Adults treat pupils with respect. Pupils follow this positive example by being kind to each other. Those who need extra help to manage their behaviour are supported very well.

This means that there is very little disruption to learning.

Pupils understand what bullying is and say that they always t...ell staff if it happens. Leaders deal with any concerns quickly to ensure that pupils and families get the support they need.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe and learn to say 'no' if they ever feel unsafe. As one parent stated, 'At school, they are safe, happy and well looked after.'

Pupils learn about the wider world.

They appreciate experiences such as visiting the library. They take on extra responsibilities such as being school councillors. These experiences are helping them to build independence and confidence.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have introduced a high-quality curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. Curriculum leaders have set out clearly the knowledge that pupils need to remember in each subject. They have considered the order in which this content is taught and ensured that it builds logically each year.

Staff know how to teach the curriculum well. They use strategies to help pupils remember the key information that they need to know. For instance, teachers revise important vocabulary and recap knowledge regularly.

These strategies help even the youngest children to learn well. For example, children in Nursery learn vocabulary to explain where objects are in relation to other things. They are then encouraged to use this language in a broad range of activities.

As a result, children begin to use these words as part of their everyday speech.

Leaders had introduced a programme to further develop teachers' knowledge of subject-specific content. However, the pandemic disrupted this training programme.

This means that not all staff have developed the same level of expertise across all areas of the curriculum.

Staff make adaptations to help pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to access the curriculum. Sometimes these adaptations include the use of extra resources.

For example, in mathematics, some pupils use physical resources to represent numbers. This helps them visualise the calculations that they are working on. In addition, teachers talk to pupils with SEND, before lessons, to explain tasks in advance.

This helps these pupils to engage well in lessons and ensures that they learn well.

Leaders have recently introduced a new approach to teaching reading. All staff, including senior leaders, now teach phonics.

Some staff are still building their confidence in how to deliver the new approach. The curriculum leader works with these staff to develop their expertise. This is helping to ensure that pupils benefit from consistent teaching.

However, leaders have identified that many pupils are behind where they would usually expect them to be. They have taken steps to help these pupils catch up. This is helping all pupils to make progress: they are becoming better readers over time.

The school's behaviour policy places emphasis on promoting positive behaviour. Staff are alert to pupils doing the right thing and commend them for this straightaway. This approach is working well.

Classrooms are calm and pupils concentrate on their tasks. Occasionally, when pupils are distracted or lose focus, staff quickly bring their attention back to the purpose of the lesson.

Leaders use the curriculum to teach pupils about personal characteristics and values.

Pupils learn, in their 'pieces of me' lessons, about the importance of respect for, and tolerance of, other people. They learn about different religions and faiths of the world. In addition, the curriculum includes opportunities for pupils to put these values into practice.

For example, pupils visited a local care home to read and sing to its residents.

Governors work with leaders to ensure that the school fulfils its statutory duties. They have a clear rationale about how school funds are used, and provide meaningful strategic oversight of key decision-making.

Governors and leaders take their responsibility to promote staff well-being very seriously. They have put steps in place to reduce teachers' workload. The majority of staff appreciate this and feel that their work is valued.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding at the school. Staff and governors have clear roles and understand them well.

Leaders have made safeguarding everyone's responsibility. Staff act quickly and take the necessary steps when they have concerns about a pupil. Leaders work well with external services.

This work ensures that families and pupils get the help that they need.

Staff use the curriculum to teach pupils how to keep themselves safe. This includes learning about how to keep safe when working or playing online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Staff knowledge in some subjects is still developing. This means that they are not always confident when teaching these subjects. Leaders should provide further opportunities for staff to deepen their subject expertise.

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