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Pupils thrive in all areas of learning at New Siblands School. Through the exceptionally strong and trusting relationships with staff, pupils relish learning across a breadth of subjects.
Consequently, pupils learn how to communicate their feelings, ideas and views very well. Children in the early years respond enthusiastically to stories. Students in the sixth form express their views about the world around them with knowledge and maturity.
Staff are highly knowledgeable about the learning and therapeutic needs of pupils. This results in each pupil, including children in early years and students in the sixth form, having an expertly-designed curriculum that supports ...their learning. One parent described the school as, 'like treasure at the end of a rainbow.
Absolute gold.' All pupils learn how to form very positive relationships with each other.
Through the curriculum, pupils are well prepared for the world beyond school.
For example, they visit the local park and shops. Students in the sixth form develop very strong knowledge about the opportunities available for further education, training and employment. They visit a range of colleges and places of work.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders' ambitious vision for the educational, social and emotional development of all pupils is shared by staff. Through the carefully crafted, personalised curriculum, pupils' lives are transformed. This unrelenting focus on developing pupils' communication skills is impressive.
Speech and language therapy underpins the school's approach to the teaching of reading and communication.
Children in early years learn to read through a well-designed phonics programme. Through repetition, rhyme and rhythmic song, pupils learn to respond to texts very well.
Staff skilfully extend pupils' communication skills by building their knowledge of vocabulary and sentences. Pupils learn to communicate their knowledge of texts through symbols, pictures, words, signing and touch. Stories lie at the core of the curriculum and deepen pupils' understanding of the world around them.
The way in which the curriculum is designed is based on pupils' needs. This supports them to flourish. Pupils build their knowledge through subject curriculums and through wider experiences.
For example, pupils learn mathematics in lessons and through music, songs, cookery and PE. Pupils, including students in the sixth form and children in early years, apply their learning in many practical scenarios, such as charity fundraisers.
The curriculum seamlessly blends therapy and class-based education.
This supports pupils to realise their potential. Pupils experience the sensory world of water and the ways in which it affects their physical movement during hydrotherapy. They extend their knowledge of physical education (PE) through physical and sensory games, such as sensory rugby, the use of trampolines, running and through sensory touch and music.
Through play-based learning, pupils engage confidently in understanding about number, the world around them, stories and physical education.
Students in the sixth form learn an impressively well-structured curriculum. For example, through reading local and national newspapers, students apply their knowledge of geography when responding to stories about climate change.
Students are skilfully supported to draw on their prior knowledge to learn more and remember more. They are exceptionally well prepared for their next steps. For example, students articulate their knowledge about healthy relationships and consent with confidence and maturity.
Pupils learn the routines of school and the importance of socialising with others exceptionally well. The routines of learning are well embedded. As a result, pupils learn to manage their emotions and are highly motivated to learn.
There is a calm, nurturing environment across the school.
Trustees and governors provide robust challenge and support in equal measure. They share the same vision of enabling pupils to flourish in their learning in preparation for the world beyond school.
They ensure that all pupils have the resources, equipment and tools to do so. Staff are overwhelmingly proud to work at the school. They feel very well supported by leaders and undergo continuous training.
They are well equipped to expertly meet the sensory, emotional and physical needs of each pupil.
Parents, who responded to the online questionnaire, are effusive in their praise of the school and the exceptional support it provides to their children and their families.