Newman School

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About Newman School

Name Newman School
Ofsted Inspections
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Ms Michaela Glarvey
Address East Bawtry Road, Rotherham, S60 3LX
Phone Number 01709828262
Phase Academy (special)
Type Academy special sponsor led
Age Range 2-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils Unknown
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.

What is it like to attend this school?

Newman School is an inclusive all-through learning provider. Pupils learn at one of four sites dependent on their age and special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff care well for all pupils from the early years to the sixth form.

Leaders have developed effective safeguarding systems to ensure that they keep all pupils safe.

Leaders are improving the school's curriculum to ensure it meets the needs of all pupils. Teachers design well prepared and organised lessons, so that pupils can learn more.

Pupils experience an improved reading curriculum. They benefit from daily lessons to improve their reading skills. Leaders have ensured that staff hav...e the training they need to teach phonics well.

These developments are in the early stages and leaders have a clear plan for continued improvement.

Pupils access a range of provision to meet their needs across all school sites. Pupils can access sensory spaces, a therapy swimming pool or 'Independence House'.

All school sites are well resourced. Leaders are continuing to develop the school site, including the early years outdoor spaces, to ensure all pupils can access modern facilities.

Most pupils are happy at school.

They feel well supported and cared for by staff. Pupils say behaviour is improving and bullying is not an issue. If it were, pupils say staff would deal with it effectively.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

School leaders, supported by an effective interim executive board (IEB), have ensured that the development of the school's curriculum has been prioritised. Staff have developed the curriculum to ensure it meets the diverse needs and age groups of pupils that attend the school. Leaders ensure that subject plans follow the national curriculum and are adapted to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.

Some areas of the curriculum are less well developed than others. In some subject areas, staff do not have the subject knowledge necessary to deliver the subject curriculum effectively and confidently. As a result, the delivery of the curriculum is inconsistent.

There are a small number of children in early years who are taught as part of the mixed-age classes in the primary phase of the school. Leaders ensure adults provide effective care and support that meets children's needs. Children settle into the routines of school quickly and participate well in lessons, including phonics.

Leaders have designed the early years curriculum appropriately to prepare children for next steps in their learning. It builds in a logical way. The primary curriculum is sequenced effectively.

Pupils in the secondary phase of school follow a well-thought-out curriculum that prepares them for GCSEs and entry level qualifications. Leaders are developing quality assurance systems to ensure the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils. More development is needed to ensure the curriculum is equally strong in all subject areas across the school.

Teachers deliver post-16 provision across school sites. Leaders have grouped students to meet their specific SEND and in preparation for adulthood. The curriculum leads to further GCSEs and BTEC National Diploma qualifications.

Staff support some students to prepare for adulthood in the 'Independence House'. Sixth-form students develop practical skills in preparation for living independently. However, some staff can be over supportive, which can undermine the development of students' independence.

Most students who leave the sixth form are well prepared for the next stages in their lives. The number of students moving to positive destinations is high. Leaders ensure preparation for adulthood is a 'golden thread' of the school's work from the early years to post-16.

Leaders have ensured there is a culture of reading in the school. The reading curriculum is well designed and effectively implemented. The teaching of phonics is prioritised through daily lessons.

Pupils from early years to sixth form access a range of books that develop their reading skills. Teachers are skilful in questioning pupils to develop comprehension. Pupils that need support to improve their reading are taught phonics.

Staff are well trained and teach phonics consistently. Pupils engage with support well. Pupils show progress against the planned phonics curriculum.

Leaders have developed effective behaviour management systems. This includes the 'Targeted Action Group' team of staff, who support pupils' behaviour effectively. Leaders use the school's data management systems to track pupils' behaviour.

This ensures pupils' behaviour plans are precise. However, behaviour incidents that involve violence towards staff persist. Some members of staff do not have the expertise necessary to manage pupils' dysregulated behaviour effectively.

Staff support pupils' personal development well. In tutor lessons, all pupils work towards meeting the targets on their individual education, health and care (EHC) plan. Pupils in the secondary phase experience a careers programme that is effectively measured against the Gatsby benchmarks.

Pupils receive independent careers advice that informs them about college and the world of work. All pupils can access a range of appropriate therapies that meet their individual needs. These include music therapy, trampoline therapy and sensory interventions.

A large proportion of secondary age pupils participate in the Duke of Edinburgh award. All pupils can experience school trips, including residential visits in sixth form.

Leaders understand staff workload and support staff well.

Early career teachers receive effective development and support during their induction phase. All staff receive regular training to develop their safeguarding practice. The local authority and IEB are supportive and knowledgeable about the strengths and next steps of the school.

They provide the necessary momentum and challenge to ensure the school continues to improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

School leaders have improved the effectiveness of safeguarding since the last inspection.

The culture of safeguarding is much improved across all school sites. Procedures to check adults prior to their employment are secure. Pupils' safeguarding records are comprehensive.

Leaders record safeguarding concerns accurately and follow these up with urgency.

Leaders ensure all staff have appropriate training to help them recognise risks to pupils. Staff receive weekly updates about important safeguarding matters.

Staff understand the risks that pupils face in the community.

Pupils feel safe. They know they can go to adults if they need support.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some members of staff do not manage pupils' dysregulated behaviours effectively. This means that some behaviour incidents can escalate unnecessarily. Leaders should ensure all staff have the required expertise to manage dysregulated behaviour consistently well.

• Some curriculum areas are less well developed than others. This leads to inconsistent and weaker practice. Leaders should ensure that the identified scope, content and sequencing are equally strong in all subject areas.

• Some staff lack the subject knowledge required to deliver the curriculum effectively and confidently. This results in inconsistent delivery of the planned curriculum. Leaders should ensure all staff have the training they need to deliver each subject effectively, so that pupils know more and remember more.

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