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Pupils thrive here. They are happy and safe in the school's nurturing environment. Behaviour is exemplary.
Pupils treat their peers and staff with mutual respect. If any bullying does occur, leaders work swiftly to resolve any issues.
Leaders have high expectations for every pupil.
These expectations are realised through the ambitious academic curriculum, and time spent fostering pupils' well-being. Pupils have high aspirations for themselves. They are eager to learn.
In the lower school, pupils establish professional working relationships with staff. Many pupils stay on to continue their studies in the sixth form. They feel proud to be part of the s...chool community.
Leaders build rich extra-curricular opportunities into the school day for all pupils. All pupils participate in local and international charity events. These encourage pupils to develop into well-rounded individuals who understand their role in a changing world.
Students in the sixth form run societies, including feminist and LGBTQ societies. These enable pupils to consider and discuss topical and contemporary issues in school. Initiatives such as the Duke of Edinburgh's Award are popular and help pupils to build character, confidence and resilience.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is broad and ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). It extends beyond the academic for all pupils, too. Through the wider curriculum, pupils engage in a number of opportunities.
These include the performing arts, volunteering at a local primary school and learning about mindfulness and meditation. In the sixth form, students can choose from a wide variety of subjects.
All subjects are carefully planned and sequenced so that pupils study subjects in depth.
Pupils acquire knowledge in the lower school which gives them the foundations they need for future success in A-Level studies. For instance, in English, pupils learn about dramatic conventions and stagecraft through studying a range of plays in Years 7 to 11. Students who choose to study English literature at A Level draw on this knowledge to support more advanced study of dramatic texts by Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams.
All pupils take part in a whole-school reading programme. Reading this diverse selection of literary works and books from the extensive collection in the school's library helps to ensure that all pupils read widely and often.
Teachers are highly skilled in the subjects they teach.
They regularly check that all pupils remember the knowledge they need in order to acquire new learning. For example, in biology, teachers checked that all pupils knew what body temperature was, before building on this prior knowledge to learn about enzymes and rates of reactions. Assessment helps teachers to understand what pupils know and remember over time.
Pupils readily use knowledge learned across the curriculum to enable them to grapple with demanding content. For example, when discussing the meaning of a literary allegory, pupils drew on their knowledge of allegories previously learned in philosophy. All pupils achieve exceptionally well across all subjects.
Leaders ensure that remote education matches what is taught in school. Whether pupils are in class or accessing remote education at home, they get the same curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities, including lectures that complement the curriculum. Teachers work alongside pupils with SEND to meet their needs and support their learning.
All pupils learn and use subject-specific vocabulary. In the sixth form, students enjoy demanding work and use academic vocabulary to question and challenge concepts readily. They speak eloquently and with confidence.
Students in the sixth form take part in extensive enrichment opportunities that are planned into the timetable. For instance, they study Japanology, and participate in model United Nations conferences which strengthen their debating skills. Leaders ensure that all pupils receive purposeful careers education and guidance.
Information is wide-ranging and aims to challenge stereotypes. In the sixth form, students achieve well and are very well prepared for their next steps in education.
Pupils behave exceptionally well at all times.
They value the plentiful leadership experiences on offer. Leaders enable pupils to discover cultures that are different to their own, to celebrate their individuality and to contribute to society. For example, pupils in the African-Caribbean society took the initiative to organise a charity-fundraising event to increase awareness of knife crime in London.
Leaders ensure that teachers' professional development supports the school's ongoing curriculum developments. Staff appreciate leaders' continuous efforts to support their workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders are acutely aware of the safeguarding risks that pupils may face. These include potential risks to their safety online, including when using social media, and other issues that may arise outside of school. Leaders take active steps to mitigate and manage these risks and help pupils to keep themselves safe from harm through the curriculum.
Staff receive regular and up-to-date safeguarding training. They take appropriate action should they have any concerns. Leaders work effectively with outside agencies, where needed.
Leaders do not shy away from sensitive issues such as consent and sexual harassment. These are addressed through the curriculum in an age-appropriate manner. Sixth-form students work with teachers to support younger pupils in personal, social and health education lessons.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.