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Co Headteacher Sukhjeet Rai (Primary) & Gerard Dineen (Secondary) NSWL
152 Syon Lane, Osterley, TW7 5PN
Phone Number
Free schools
Age Range
Religious Character
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are proud to attend this aspirational school. Pupils feel valued as individuals within the school community. The behaviour of pupils is exemplary.
They strive to live in accordance with the school's ethos. Pupils model the school's core values in everything they do. The school has an expectation that all pupils achieve the very best outcomes they can.
This is evident in the qualifications they achieve.
Pupils know that they are well supported to achieve the high expectations that the school has for them. They attend school regularly and work hard.
Bullying is rare and pupils are confident any incidents are dealt with swiftly. Pupils enjoy atte...nding the extensive range of clubs and the well-thought-out experiences, trips, and visits. Leaders ensure that all pupils can fully participate in these activities.
Pupils have many opportunities to learn about future careers, colleges, training and employment. They are very well prepared for their next steps. Pupils aspire to the many leadership positions available to them.
They make a tangible contribution to the life of the school and wider community. For instance, they raise funds for charities and volunteer in the community.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are relentless in their desire to improve the school.
Governors and trustees have rigorous oversight of all aspects of the school's work. Staff feel that leaders are considerate of their workload and well-being. They are proud to work at this school.
Beginning in the early years, the school has designed an ambitious curriculum. It equips pupils with an extensive body of subject knowledge. Teachers know precisely what pupils should learn, and how it connects to their previous knowledge.
The school's curricular thinking builds on pupils' knowledge progressively. For instance, pupils study Shakespeare at the same time as they learn about the origins of theatre in drama. Consequently, pupils remember what they have learned deeply.
In the sixth form, students benefit from a very high-quality education in a broad range of subjects. In early years, children excel because of expert adult support across all areas of learning.
Teachers recognise the important knowledge that pupils need to know and remember in each subject.
They check pupils' understanding regularly and with precision. Any misconceptions in pupils' knowledge and understanding are addressed quickly. This helps pupils to be fully ready for future learning.
Teachers adapt their teaching skilfully when necessary. They are alert to any gaps in pupils' learning and they make sure these are filled.
Staff provide expert support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
They identify pupils' needs very carefully. This helps staff to provide additional support for pupils with SEND closely. In lessons, teachers use strategies and resources to make sure that pupils keep up with subject content successfully.
Leaders place a priority on ensuring that all pupils can read fluently and confidently. The school's approach to reading is highly ambitious. Pupils at an early stage of reading get the precise support they need.
This begins in the early years where children learn to segment and blend phonics sounds accurately. Staff support pupils to develop their reading comprehension very well. Pupils develop a love of reading and enjoy reading books in their free time.
The school has extremely high expectations for pupils' behaviour. These expectations are modelled by all staff consistently. In early years, staff make sure that children settle in quickly.
Staff support children to follow routines and instructions very well. Disruption to pupils' learning across the school is rare because the curriculum and teaching are thoroughly engaging. As a result, pupils consistently strive to succeed.
Their conduct creates a positive environment where pupils concentrate on their learning extremely well. The school has clear routines and procedures to make sure that pupils' attendance is closely monitored. This helps pupils to attend school regularly.
Pupils are taught to be good citizens through exceptional personal development programmes. Pupils learn the value of making a positive contribution to society. They have very positive attitudes towards people with different backgrounds.
Sensitive issues, such as healthy relationships and consent, are well taught and equally well understood. Leaders give pupils opportunities to learn about the importance of equality, diversity, and tolerance. High-quality careers information, advice and guidance prepare pupils well for their next stages in employment, education, or training.
In the sixth form, staff support students to make informed decisions about their future. Students are thoroughly prepared for their next steps.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.