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The curriculum motivates all pupils to aim high. It also enables them to gain knowledge in a range of subjects. For example, some pupils study astronomy at GCSE.
They confidently use the telescope on the school's roof and develop their knowledge.
Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. Teachers set high standards for behaviour.
Pupils aim to meet these expectations and manage their own behaviour well. They come to school ready to learn.
Most pupils said that they are happy at school and feel safe.
Suitable systems are in place for pupils to raise concerns, including about b...ullying. Records show that leaders manage these concerns effectively. Many pupils said that bullying rarely occurs.
If it did, they know who to tell and that it would be resolved quickly. However, not all pupils share this view, with some reluctant to share their worries with staff. Leaders know about this.
They are taking effective steps to ensure that all pupils have complete confidence in the school's response to any issues or concerns that may arise.
Through the well-planned curriculum, pupils learn about well-being, equality and global issues. Leaders encourage pupils to voice their opinions confidently and respectfully.
Pupils enjoy sharing ideas and debating different viewpoints.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have high expectations for pupils' learning, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). From Year 7 through to Year 13, the well-planned curriculum mirrors leaders' ambition for all pupils.
Leaders expect pupils to conduct themselves well. The school environment is calm, including in the sixth form. Pupils and teachers focus on learning.
Disruption in lessons is uncommon.
Leaders provide a broad and ambitious range of subjects for pupils to study in all year groups. Most subjects are carefully planned.
Leaders and teachers know exactly what they want pupils to learn. Subject planning aims to make sure that all pupils know and remember essential knowledge. The needs of pupils with SEND are identified and planned for by well-trained staff.
Pupils are prepared effectively for their future learning. In English, for example, Year 7 pupils explore biblical references and common themes found in myths and legends. This gives pupils the building blocks of knowledge needed for the study of more complex literature in Year 8 onwards.
Reading is a whole-school priority. Opportunities for pupils to read and enjoy books are threaded through the school day. For instance, in Years 7 to 9, teachers lead 'drop everything and read' sessions.
Leaders identify pupils who are not reading as well as they should be. They make sure that these pupils receive well-planned extra help.
Teachers check pupils' work regularly.
They do this in class and through assessment tests and homework tasks. Teachers use information from their checks to refine plans for pupils' future learning. Sometimes this approach is not as effective as it could be.
Some checks on pupils' learning do not identify precisely which subject content pupils need to go over again.
Pupils' personal development is promoted well. The curriculum for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is central to this work.
Pupils learn about healthy relationships and how to look after their mental and physical well-being. They also learn about life in modern Britain, including wider issues in society. However, sometimes staff lack confidence in talking to pupils about these issues, particularly those related to equality and diversity.
Training for staff has been prioritised. Staff are developing the knowledge they need to deal confidently with sensitive topics or questions that pupils raise. Nevertheless, this is not fully embedded.
Leaders seek pupils' views on how the PSHE curriculum might be improved further. They are keen to make the PSHE curriculum relevant to pupils' everyday lives. For example, following suggestions from sixth-form students, the curriculum now includes information on learning to drive.
Alongside the school council, the school's champions of anti-racism and equality (CARE) group also puts forward ideas for leaders to consider. That said, some pupils feel that leaders and staff could do more to listen to and respond to pupils' views.
This year, leaders' work to promote pupils' personal development has included an increased focus on equality and diversity.
Recently, some aspects of this work have not been managed well. Leaders have not shied away from identifying and putting right any mistakes that have been made in this aspect of the school's work. Nevertheless, a small but significant group of pupils and families have lost trust in the school's work to promote equality and diversity.
Rebuilding this trust remains a clear priority for leaders.
Starting in Year 7, pupils receive comprehensive careers guidance. They learn about different career options and choices from the school careers department and former students, and by attending careers fairs.
Leaders prepare pupils in Year 11 well for the next steps in their future studies. Pupils and their parents are given one-to-one advice ahead of making course choices in the school's sixth form. Currently, pupils in Year 11 are completing online work in their chosen A-level subjects.
Sixth-form students receive plentiful guidance with university and apprenticeship applications.
Leaders have positive relationships with staff. Staff said that they can manage their workload and that leaders are considerate of this.
Newly qualified teachers receive support for their continued development.
Governors and trustees have a clear vision for the school. They support and challenge leaders and they carry out their role effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders perform the necessary checks on new staff recruited to the school. Staff receive regular safeguarding training.
They understand risks that pupils may face, including risks outside of school and online. Staff know how to report any concerns that they might have.
Leaders have effective systems to identify pupils in need of additional support.
Pupils benefit from the wide range of pastoral care provision, such as mental health champions. Specialist staff provide personalised additional help for pupils who need it. Leaders also work effectively with other outside agencies to secure pupils' welfare.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Teachers regularly check pupils' work. However, in some subjects, teachers' use of assessment is not as helpful as it could be. Assessment tasks sometimes do not focus on measuring pupils' understanding and recall of essential knowledge.
Leaders should refine approaches to assessment so that it fully supports the delivery of the curriculum. ? The curriculum for PSHE is well planned and sequenced. However, some staff lack the expertise needed to deliver the programme confidently.
Leaders need to strengthen their oversight of pupils' learning about sensitive topics and subject content. Leaders should continue to prioritise training for staff and make sure that all staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver the PSHE curriculum, particularly subject content related to equality, gender and diversity. This will also help leaders to build on their existing work to restore all pupils' confidence in staff's ability to deal with sensitive issues and concerns.