North Chadderton School

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About North Chadderton School

Name North Chadderton School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Nikola Westhead Nicholas Angus
Address Chadderton Hall Road, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 0BN
Phone Number 01616249939
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1578
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Most pupils are happy to be part of this inclusive school community. Pupils from a wide range of different backgrounds mix well with each other.

Staff care for pupils' well-being and safety. Pupils know who to speak to if they are worried or upset.

The school is ambitious for pupils to succeed.

Pupils, and students in the sixth form, benefit from the improvements the school has made to the quality of education that it provides. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are disadvantaged, progress well through the curriculum in most subjects.

Pupils' behaviour during breaktimes and when moving betw...een lessons is generally calm.

In lessons, pupils listen respectfully to their teachers and to each other. Staff foster positive relationships with their pupils.

An increasing number of pupils benefit from extra-curricular activities.

The school has extended its lunchtime so there is more time for pupils to join clubs. As a result, there are now more opportunities for pupils to participate in a wide variety of sports, musical and cultural activities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff, members of the local advisory committee and trustees of the school are united in their desire to ensure that all pupils have access to a high-quality, broad and ambitious curriculum.

The school, with the support of the trust, has taken effective action to address previous weaknesses in the curriculum and variability in the quality of teaching. As a result, outcomes for all pupils are now improving.

Recently, the school has considered carefully what pupils need to know and when this content should be taught.

In each subject, including those taught in the sixth form, the curriculum sets out clearly for staff the essential knowledge that pupils need to learn. Subject teachers have received training on how best to deliver this knowledge. Consequently, pupils know and remember more of what they have learned.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. This helps them to deliver the subject curriculums well. Most teachers explain concepts clearly to pupils.

They make sure that important learning is revisited. In the sixth form, teachers know the abilities of their students and plan lessons accordingly. However, in a small number of subjects, at key stages 3 and 4, some teachers do not choose the most appropriate methods to help pupils to learn key knowledge.

For example, sometimes, teachers do not make the purpose of the lesson clear enough, or they introduce new learning too quickly before checking carefully that pupils have understood what has been taught before. As a result, some pupils develop gaps in their learning. They struggle to recall what has been taught.

This prevents some pupils from progressing as well as they should in these subjects.

Pupils behave well around the large school site. Sixth-form students set a good example to younger pupils with their mature attitudes.

They also enjoy their own spacious study and social areas, which they use respectfully. Key stage 3 and 4 lessons across the school typically take place without disruption. The school studies patterns in pupils' behaviour and acts swiftly if it identifies any issues which need addressing.

The school identifies pupils with SEND quickly and accurately and meets their needs well. With the support of the trust, teachers are provided with relevant information and training on how to help pupils with SEND in the classroom. Consequently, staff are increasingly confident to support these pupils to learn well.

The school has appropriate procedures in place for tackling any concerns about pupils' attendance. The school seeks to understand the underlying causes of a pupil's absence. It works thoughtfully with pupils and their families to improve attendance.

As a result, attendance is above the national average for all pupils, including those with SEND or who are disadvantaged.

Recently, the school has reviewed how it identifies and supports pupils whose reading knowledge is weaker when they join the school. It has developed effective systems to identify pupils who have gaps in their reading knowledge.

These systems enable staff to pinpoint and remedy the specific problems that individual pupils face with reading. Most pupils become more confident readers over time. This allows them better access to the school's ambitious curriculum.

The school shows a strong commitment to ensure that pupils, and students in the sixth form, build the knowledge that they need to be well prepared for life beyond school. It has considered carefully what it wants pupils to know and when it is best to introduce sensitive topics, including aspects of sex and relationships education. The school provides a very full programme of careers education, including many opportunities to meet and learn from employers.

Pupils are very complimentary about this aspect of school life.

Recently, positive changes have been achieved at the school with the support of the majority of staff. The school is considerate of staff's workload and well-being.

The trust and members of the local advisory committee support the school using their expertise in educational matters.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects in key stages 3 and 4, the school does not ensure that all teachers use the most suitable techniques to help pupils understand subject content.

As a result, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge and understanding. This hinders how well they progress through the curriculum. The school should ensure that, in these subjects, teachers are fully equipped to deliver curriculum content consistently well so that pupils know and remember important knowledge.

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