North Ealing Primary School

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About North Ealing Primary School

Name North Ealing Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sally Flowers
Address Pitshanger Lane, Ealing, London, W5 1RP
Phone Number 02089972653
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 652
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Main findings

This is a good school. The strong senior leaders are well supported by a committed staff and governors who make an exceptional contribution to the work of the school and provide outstanding challenge. As one parent commented, 'The headteacher is very approachable and visible around the school.'

Lessons successfully capture pupils' interests through rich and inspiring topics. In this caring, friendly environment pupils are keen to come to school which is demonstrated by their high levels of attendance. As one pupil typically commented, 'Older children look after me at lunchtime.'

This contributes to pupils feeling safe. They want to do well and this is demonstrated by their good attitudes to... learning and behaviour. They are rightly proud of their school.

As a result, they make a good contribution to the school community and have an excellent understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle as the school's success in achieving the silver travel plan award reflects. The good pastoral guidance ensures that all learners including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities benefit from the school's strong caring family ethos. The curriculum is well planned and pupils appreciate the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities that are available to them.

These include a running club, drama and chess. The good induction procedures into the Nursery and Reception classes ensure that children get off to a positive start. Pupils achieve well, because of the good teaching they receive.

By the end of Year 6 pupils attain levels that are above average. Pupils are motivated by the engaging curriculum and they are given relevant and interesting work to do. However, pupils, especially those more able, are not always sufficiently challenged and stretched by being given ways to improve their work in order to reach the next level.

Teachers are beginning to be more confident in their use of assessment data to ensure that the work they set in lessons matches pupils' personal learning needs. However, this practice is not consistent across the school. Likewise, marking does not always guide pupils well enough on how to improve their work.

Senior and phase leaders systematically monitor lessons and have an accurate view of the quality of teaching with most lessons being good. Nevertheless, not all feedback from lesson observations refers systemically to pupils' progress and learning. Through clear and accurate self-evaluation procedures, the school has a perceptive understanding of its strengths and areas for development.

Resourcing has been evaluated effectively, and as a result a complex staffing restructure has been successfully implemented. This together with improved pupil attendance demonstrates the school's good capacity for sustained improvement.

Information about the school

North Ealing Primary School is a larger than average sized school.

The largest group of pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of pupils who are from minority-ethnic groups is well above average. An above average proportion of pupils speak English as an additional language.

The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average. An above average proportion of pupils have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The school has gained the travel plan silver award.

Also at this postcode
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