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Pupils are happy at North Kesteven Academy. Always polite and respectful, they get along well with each other and enjoy great relationships with staff.
The school has developed a strong, inclusive culture built on mutual respect and tolerance. Caring staff strive to get to know pupils well. Pupils trust staff to keep them safe and to help them resolve any worries they may have.
The school is aspirational for all pupils. However, the most recent published outcomes show that too many pupils do not achieve as well as they might. The curriculum has improved recently.
This is particularly evident in the sixth form, where students' achievements have got better. How...ever, there is more work to do to ensure that pupils in key stages 3 and 4 achieve well enough.
The school has developed effective routines to support pupils' good behaviour.
There is a calm and orderly atmosphere. Pupils behave well in lessons and around school. Pupils and staff told inspectors that behaviour has improved a great deal.
The school supports pupils' personal development well. This is typified by the high priority that is placed on helping pupils maintain good physical and mental health. Pupils benefit from excellent careers advice.
Almost all pupils move on to secure destinations in education, training or employment.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum. At key stage 3, pupils study the national curriculum in full.
At key stage 4, all pupils have the opportunity to choose all of the English Baccalaureate subjects. The number of pupils doing so has increased. Despite the relatively small sixth form, there is a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications from which students can choose.
The school strives to make sure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can access the curriculum in full. A small number of pupils with SEND benefit from personalised curriculums that meet their needs well.
The delivery of the planned curriculum is inconsistent.
Sometimes, staff do not explain new information clearly enough. They do not always provide enough opportunities for pupils to practise or check that they have understood new knowledge before moving on. In the sixth form, students benefit from a stronger and more consistent curriculum delivery.
In some lessons, teachers do not check carefully enough what pupils have learned before. They do not always identify gaps in pupils' knowledge or misconceptions. When pupils' work is of poor quality, teachers do not routinely provide guidance that helps pupils improve.
As a result, pupils do not learn securely across the curriculum.
Subject curriculums are well designed. The important knowledge that pupils learn is clearly identified and sequenced well.
As pupils progress through the school, the curriculum is increasingly challenging. This is particularly evident in the sixth form. Staff teach lessons that prioritise disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND.
Planned routines are designed to help pupils connect, develop, and apply new knowledge. Training is helping staff to use these routines consistently in lessons.
The school prioritises reading.
Staff quickly identify when pupils have gaps in their reading knowledge. The school provides effective support for these pupils. Pupils in key stage 3 benefit from reading lessons designed to build their reading fluency and strengthen their vocabulary.
All pupils read daily from interesting and challenging texts.
The school offers a well-considered programme for personal, social and health education. In lessons and during 'learning for life' days, pupils learn how to keep safe and healthy.
The school ensures that there are opportunities for pupils to become active and well-informed citizens. The school council is involved in making decisions that affect school life. Students in the sixth form support younger pupils enthusiastically, for example, by managing the library and helping in key stage 3 lessons.
The school provides a range of clubs for pupils to pursue talents and interests in the performing arts, sports and other areas. Sixth-form students have the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme.
The school works hard to make sure that all pupils attend school often.
Staff provide personalised pastoral care and mental health support for pupils who have not attended school well previously. As a result, many of these pupils now come to school more frequently. Sixth-form students attend school well.
The school prides itself in its culture of including all pupils. Staff and trustees share a common vision for a school where everybody feels welcome and safe. Staff value the support they get to continue to develop their expertise.
Pupils, parents and carers and staff recognise the significant improvements that the school has already made under strong and courageous leadership. There is a collective determination to provide a high-quality education for all.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Teachers do not always check pupils' learning carefully enough to identify gaps or misconceptions. They do not always provide pupils with the guidance they need to improve their work. Pupils do not always learn as well as they should.
The school needs to ensure that teachers check pupils' learning routinely and give pupils clear direction so that they know how to get better at a subject. The curriculum is not delivered consistently well across all areas of the school. Teachers' explanations are not always clear.
Pupils are not always given enough opportunities to practise and apply their learning. When this happens, pupils' knowledge is insecure and lacks depth. The school needs to ensure that the planned curriculum is delivered consistently well in all subjects so that all pupils gain the knowledge they need to be successful.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.