Northampton Academy

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About Northampton Academy

Name Northampton Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Owen Jones
Address Wellingborough Road, Northampton, NN3 8NH
Phone Number 01604210017
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Christian
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1721
Local Authority West Northamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this school. They know that staff 'go above and beyond' to provide an outstanding education for them.

Pupils are happy and feel safe.

Leaders have the highest aspirations for their pupils. They ensure that pupils receive a high-quality education.

Staff meet the needs of all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), exceptionally well.

The behaviour of pupils is exemplary. They are respectful, well mannered and polite.

They exhibit the school's values of respect, determination, ambition, tolerance and integrity. Pupils said that bullying is not tolerated. It happens rarely.

P...upils know the importance of treating everyone as an equal. Pupils say that 'difference unites us'.

Pupils relish taking responsibility as school leaders.

For example, they can be digital leaders, promoting e-safety across the school, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) leaders, sports leaders or well-being ambassadors.

Parents and carers are extremely positive about the education their children receive. One view shared by many was, 'I have been blown away by the guidance and support that is in place for the pupils.

My child has been given her wings and is starting to fly.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is broad and ambitious in all three key stages and for all pupils, including those with SEND. Leaders have carefully planned the curriculum so that pupils can learn new knowledge in a highly structured way.

Lessons are extremely well sequenced to ensure that pupils build on what they have learned before. Pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Teachers' subject knowledge is strong. They explain concepts to pupils clearly. Teachers use a wide variety of strategies to enable pupils to know more and remember more.

These include effective questioning, 'do now' activities at the start of lessons, and short quizzes.

Teachers' assessments are effective, and they use the information they collect extremely well. Teachers ensure that pupils deepen their understanding of the subject by swiftly addressing misconceptions and errors.

Teachers provide useful feedback. The school's 'reflect and refine' tasks enable pupils to reflect on what they have done well and how they can continue to improve. As a result, pupils produce high-quality work.

Reading is at the heart of leaders' priorities. They recognise that reading and literacy are key to high achievement. Pupils read every day.

Staff provide pupils who are struggling with reading with bespoke support. This support is proving to be successful and is developing pupils' fluency and love of reading.

The sixth-form provision is strong.

Students do well and immerse themselves in the wider life of the school. They benefit from the support, encouragement and opportunities that the sixth form provides.

Leaders work diligently with external agencies and SEND experts to identify the needs of pupils with SEND.

Teachers are trained well and are suitably informed of these pupils' individual learning needs. This enables teachers to use support plans effectively in the classroom. Pupils with SEND benefit from well-considered programmes of support.

They make exceptional progress through the curriculum.

There is a consistent approach to managing behaviour across the school. Staff understand pupils and their individual needs.

Behaviour is excellent. Pupils are highly respectful and supportive of each other.

There is an impressive personal development and character programme.

Leaders consider the education of the whole child. Leaders have ensured that the school's values permeate through everything that the school does. This enables the school's vision to be 'an academy of character and excellence' to be achieved.

Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. They talk enthusiastically about the school's 'culture day'. Pupils are welcome to wear traditional clothes and share food from other cultures.

High-quality pastoral support ensures that all pupils understand the protected characteristics and have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships. The school provides a robust programme to support pupils' personal development and well-being. For example, pupils can spend time with Lily, the school's therapy dog.

There is a strong careers programme in place across the school. This includes visiting speakers, work experience and employer engagement. Careers support is strong and students have access to appropriate careers advice.

Those responsible for governance understand the vision of the school. They support and challenge senior leaders well. Senior leaders provide high-quality professional development for staff.

Teachers appreciate leaders' support regarding workload and welfare. They feel valued by leaders. One teacher, typical of many, said, 'The school is looking for the best in everyone.

Leaders celebrate what we do.'


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school has an exceedingly strong culture of safeguarding.

Leaders ensure that safeguarding arrangements are robust and fit for purpose. Safeguarding training is provided for all staff throughout the year with frequent updates. This ensures that staff are alert to the signs of vulnerability and abuse, and entirely proficient in reporting concerns.

The school enjoys robust relationships with external providers, including children's services and alternative education providers.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. This includes when they are online.

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