Northleigh CofE Primary School

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About Northleigh CofE Primary School

Name Northleigh CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Stuart Bill
Address St. Peters Road, Cowleigh Bank, Malvern, WR14 1QS
Phone Number 01684574889
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 168
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

It is an exciting time for pupils at Northleigh CofE Primary School. Many effective changes have taken place.

Committed leaders have high aspirations and expectations for all pupils. These are realised and pupils are thriving at this school.

Leaders and staff use the bible quote, 'Be brave, be strong, be fearless' in all their work with pupils.

Pupils embody these characteristics as a result. They do not give up easily when they find something hard. Pupils help each other to be the best they can be.

Relationships between staff and pupils are caring and respectful. Older pupils play with younger pupils at lunchtime. Any incidences of unkind behaviour ...or bullying are not tolerated and dealt with effectively.

Pupils are happy and safe. They can name trusted adults who will help them. Pupils use their class 'worry monsters' when they feel sad or anxious.

Leaders want pupils to be independent learners and thinkers. They have created an effective curriculum to support this. However, not all areas of the curriculum are fully established.

This means in some subjects, pupils do not have the subject-specific knowledge they need. Teachers' subject knowledge in mathematics is variable. Pupils cannot always explain their mathematical reasoning as a result.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Ambitious and dedicated leaders have made many improvements across the school. This includes a newly constructed curriculum. Leaders are well supported by governors and trustees in implementing these changes.

They are committed to offering pupils a broad curriculum and a wide range of experiences.

Leaders have set out the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary they want pupils to learn. The curriculum builds on this knowledge over time, starting from the early years.

Most subject leaders know their curriculum areas well. They know how successfully pupils are learning in their subjects, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Subject leaders know how to support pupils in these subjects.

However, some other subjects are not as well embedded. For example, in art and design, pupils confuse subject-specific knowledge with other similar subjects.

Teachers implement most of the curriculum consistently.

They regularly recap on prior learning. Many subjects are now well established. Pupils know more and remember more in these subjects, as a result.

For example, in science pupils know how changing one variable in an electric circuit will change the brightness of a lightbulb. Older pupils remember what they learned in previous years and how this knowledge helps them with their learning now. Information is presented clearly in most subjects.

However, in mathematics, teacher subject knowledge is variable.Pupils' misconceptions are not always addressed. Pupils know simple techniques for solving calculations.

However, they do not understand deeper mathematical concepts. This slows down their progress.

Pupils with SEND learn alongside their peers.

They are well supported and cared for. There is a strong culture of inclusion. Systems for identifying pupils with SEND are secure.

Parents are involved from the start of this identification process.

Reading is a high priority across school. Staff are passionate about pupils developing a love of reading.

Pupils read a wide and diverse range of books. Staff teach phonics accurately. Misconceptions are addressed most of the time.

Children in Nursery learn how to recognise sounds and join in with nursery rhymes and songs. Leaders regularly check the fluency and accuracy of pupils' reading from the early years to Year 6. Books accurately match pupils' reading ability.

Pupils who need more support receive effective, regular extra reading opportunities.

Behaviour around school is calm and orderly. During playtime, there are a range of activities for pupils.

Pupils work hard in lessons and most concentrate well. Behaviour is dealt with consistently across the school. When pupils need some help with their behaviour, leaders offer appropriate support.

Pupils attend school regularly.

Pupils experience a wide range of opportunities. They are given responsibilities such as 'reading ambassadors' and 'young leaders'.

Pupils vote for their pupil parliament. This teaches them about democracy and citizenship. Pupil candidates prepare and present their manifestos to the whole school.

They also learn how to perform in front of an audience. The curriculum teaches pupils about the similarities and differences between different religions and cultures. Pupils show kindness and respect to everyone, as a result.

Mental health of pupils is taken seriously by leaders. Support is given quickly to those who need it.

Trust leaders and governors know the school well.

Most staff feel supported with workload when changes are being implemented. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about their children's experiences at school. They speak highly of the leadership team and staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders take their safeguarding responsibilities seriously. Trustees and governors regularly check the safeguarding procedures in school.

They use this information to continuously improve their practices. Staff understand the contextual risks for pupils. They act quickly when concerns are raised.

Leaders work closely with agencies to give families support. Leaders carry out robust checks when employing staff.

The curriculum teaches pupils how to keep themselves safe.

They learn about different technologies and the online dangers they may present. This information is also shared with parents. Pupils are confident to speak to staff if they are worried.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some changes to the curriculum have only been implemented recently and are not yet implemented as effectively as other subjects. Pupils do not know more and remember more of the subject-specific knowledge in these subjects, as a result. Leaders need to continue their work on embedding the new curriculum and ensure it has an impact on pupils' subject-specific knowledge.

• There is some variability in teacher subject knowledge in mathematics. Pupils lack depth in reasoning and understanding of mathematical concepts, as a result. Leaders should ensure that teachers have the necessary subject knowledge in mathematics to deliver the curriculum more effectively.

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