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This is an inclusive school where pupils are supported to thrive together. The curriculum is ambitious in all subjects. Pupils love learning here and achieve exceptionally well academically and personally.
This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Children joining the Nursery settle quickly into the routines. Parents and carers praise the warm and friendly approach of staff.
The school community treat each other with courtesy and respect. Visitors receive a warm welcome. Bullying is never tolerated.
Pupils are actively involved in school improvement. They elect their own prefects who help to ensure a calm environment arou...nd the school. Older pupils, the 'lunch bunch', help make lunchtime a special experience.
Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education. There are many opportunities for memorable learning experiences through the wide range of trips and visits. Pupils build skills and confidence through the regular performances and competitions.
These include the 'micro musical' and talent shows. In Years 3 to 6, pupils learn an instrument, such as the violin or ukelele, and many sit graded exams. Pupils develop their citizenship through voting, charity work and contributing to their school community.
These contributions are recognised through the citizenship awards.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
There is an exceptionally clear, well-sequenced and ambitious curriculum. This supports pupils to become knowledgeable and confident learners.
Pupils are highly motivated in lessons and do very well in national curriculum tests. This is a result of the high priority given to ensuring pupils develop fluency in reading, writing and mathematics. The school gives equally high priority to the arts and humanities, where pupils make excellent progress through the curriculum.
It has carefully considered which opportunities will support and enhance pupils' learning. For example, the school works closely with organisations and individuals with specific musical expertise. This greatly enhances pupils' awareness and appreciation of music.
The school is successful in cultivating a love of learning. In science, pupils talk with great interest and excitement about the experiments they conduct. This begins in the early years, where children are encouraged to be curious and work together to solve problems.
As they move up the school, pupils learn to think independently and to make connections in their learning. For example, in Year 6, pupils draw on their knowledge of the geography of Europe when taking part in debates on current affairs. They talk about the economy and currency in sophisticated ways.
Pupils with SEND access the same ambitious curriculum. This is because staff are skilled at identifying their needs promptly and adapting the curriculum to reflect this.
Staff praise the training and support that they receive from leaders and colleagues, including from the trust.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge. This ensures that information is presented clearly. In lessons, teachers ask thoughtful and probing questions which helps to check pupils' understanding and move them forward.
Teachers are successful in ensuring that pupils keep up, rather than catch up.
Behaviour is excellent and pupils attend well. Pupils value their education highly and feel a great sense of responsibility towards their school.
They know that teachers act in their best interests. Pupils are supportive of their peers, including those with SEND. This is because the school successfully maintains a highly inclusive culture.
Reading is a priority across the school. In the early years, staff develop children's spoken language through rhymes and songs. This helps them become familiar with new words and sounds.
In Reception, children secure key phonics knowledge quickly. They read books and texts at their decodable level with increasing fluency. Pupils who need additional help to become confident readers are identified quickly.
The support that they are given is highly effective. Through daily shared reading, pupils explore a range of authors, writing styles and types of texts. There are many reading events, including author visits and book fairs which introduce pupils to new ideas and experiences.
The provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional. Pupils learn the conventions of discussion and debate. They develop their skills and confidence through regular presentations and performances.
There is a well-sequenced and highly ambitious curriculum for personal, social, health and economic education. Pupils develop a strong knowledge of citizenship in the United Kingdom and globally. In addition to the required curriculum, pupils explore philosophical concepts and ideas and extend their knowledge of aspects such as justice and fairness.
They learn about children's rights and that not all children have the same opportunities as they do. Pupils are knowledgeable about, and respectful of, different faiths and beliefs.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.