Nursteed Community Primary School

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About Nursteed Community Primary School

Name Nursteed Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mrs Kay Vousden
Address Brickley Lane, Devizes, SN10 3BF
Phone Number 01380730538
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 193
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils know the school's motto: 'Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive'.

They learn what these words mean through assemblies and the curriculum. However, this is not always their experience. Some low-level disruption means that pupils can find it difficult to focus on their learning.

They are confused about the rules, rewards and sanctions. Recent work to clarify these for pupils has not been effective.

Where the curriculum is well developed, pupils listen attentively and learn well.

In some subjects, where the curriculum is not as well matched to their needs, pupils are easily distracted from their learning.

At times, some ...pupils behave in ways that are not respectful to others. Pupils, and some parents, do not have confidence in adults to deal effectively with incidents of inappropriate or prejudiced behaviour.

Sometimes, pupils are reluctant to report incidents. In other cases, the behaviour begins again.

There are opportunities for pupils to develop their character and cultural capital.

Pupils enjoy being school councillors and librarians where they take on responsibilities. They contribute to local events such as the lantern parade and charity fundraising.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have not yet secured a high-quality curriculum for pupils.

Some subject curriculums are still under review. Others are in their infancy, which means the impact on pupils' learning is limited. Leaders do not have an accurate view of the impact of their actions on children's learning.

Where leaders have reviewed the design of subjects, the curriculum is stronger. In these subjects, leaders have identified and sequenced knowledge well so that pupils know more and remember more over time. For example, in geography, pupils can recall knowledge about how people have an impact on their environment.

This enables them to understand the cause and effect of deforestation in rainforests.

Leaders have prioritised the development of early reading. The new phonics programme is implemented with consistency.

Leaders ensure that teachers' subject knowledge is secure. As a result, teaching enables pupils to segment words and blend sounds accurately. Pupils read books that match the sounds they know, which reinforces their fluency.

For a few pupils, however, learning is not always accurately matched to the sounds they know.

Older pupils, who are secure in their phonics, continue to develop their reading. However, the texts they use are not always ambitious enough.

Leaders do not have a clear vision of how older pupils' reading will be developed. Teaching strategies do not always deepen pupils' love of reading. Teachers do not check enough on pupils' understanding during lessons to know whether they have secured the intended learning.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs accurately identified. Plans to support them are written together with parents. In most subjects, teaching ensures that these pupils can access the same curriculum as their peers.

This is not always the case in reading, where pupils with SEND sometimes struggle to understand or read the class text.

Children make a very positive start to school in Reception. Staff make sure they gather a full picture of children before they start.

This enables them to match learning to children's interests and needs right from the very beginning. Staff ensure that vocabulary and communication are a clear focus in all learning. They have high expectations for children to develop and use this vocabulary.

Carefully chosen resources and activities give children plenty of opportunities to practise and secure knowledge in their play. As a result, children develop into confident, independent learners.

Governors are committed to their roles.

They seek to assure themselves of the effectiveness of leaders' actions. However, the impact of leaders' plans and actions is not evaluated accurately. As a result, improvements to the education and provision for pupils have not been successful enough.

Leaders work well with their staff. Staff feel listened to and supported to manage their workload. They enjoy working at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff know the signs of abuse. Staff use the system for recording and reporting diligently.

This enables leaders to act swiftly where necessary. Leaders work with a range of external agencies to help pupils and families get the right help at the right time. The recruitment of staff is rigorous.

Governors assure themselves that the school's processes for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils learn how to stay safe online. They understand positive and negative relationships.

Pupils are less clear about personal space and boundaries.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some subject curriculums are not designed with clearly sequenced knowledge. This means that pupils are not able to coherently build on what they already know.

Leaders must identify the knowledge they want pupils to know in all subjects, including reading beyond phonics, and sequence this so that pupils know more and remember more over time. ? Leaders' actions to ensure consistently positive behaviour from pupils is not always effective. Consequently, some pupils' behaviour and language are disrespectful.

Pupils do not have confidence in staff to deal with this effectively. Leaders must ensure the curriculum teaches pupils tolerance and respect. Leaders should establish commonly understood expectations and effective systems for managing behaviour.

• Leaders' actions to improve the quality of education are not strategic. As a result, impact is measured by the completion of actions rather than how these improve outcomes for pupils. Leaders, including governors, need to ensure they accurately evaluate the impact of any actions on pupils' learning.

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