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Leaders and staff know pupils well. They want pupils to do well and promote positive values through and beyond the curriculum, for example the school's kindness campaign. Many pupils support this, but some say that derogatory language between peers is still a concern for them.
Most pupils say that they feel safe at school and have a trusted adult they can talk to. Behaviour around the school site is generally calm. Nonetheless, too many pupils disrupt the learning of other pupils.
Furthermore, some pupils report that bullying happens and leaders do not always resolve this quickly or effectively. Some pupils express that they are hesitant about reporting these incident...s to staff.
Pupils get involved with school life.
Many attend focus groups, are on the student council or sign up to be curriculum student leaders. Pupils enjoy a growing number of extra-curricular activities. For example, many take up the opportunity to participate in Ten Tors or the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
Clubs take place before, during and after school, which ensures that there are lots of opportunities for pupils to participate.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders share strong values. They have a clear vision about how to provide high-quality education for all pupils.
However, this is not yet fully realised, as there remain inconsistencies in the quality of education pupils receive. This is because curriculum development in some areas is still at the early stages. Where leaders have planned and sequenced the knowledge that pupils will learn carefully, younger pupils can successfully demonstrate what they remember.
Older pupils find it more difficult to make links with what they have learned previously.
Leaders' ambition for the curriculum is that it gives all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. For example, all pupils read a range of literary heritage texts in English.
Leaders promote the importance of pupils making choices at GCSE that retain their breadth of experience. For example, they are encouraging more pupils to take modern foreign languages. As a result, the number of pupils choosing to study a modern foreign language is increasing for next academic year.
Leaders have a clear focus on ensuring that those at the early stages of reading gain the phonics knowledge they need to allow them to access the full curriculum. Pupils also have opportunities for reading beyond the curriculum. Where this is done well, it successfully develops pupils' reading fluency and independence.
However, pupils receive a varied experience, which means that some are not developing confidence and enjoyment in reading as well as they could.
Too many pupils display poor attitudes to learning or disrupt the learning of others. Leaders do not explore patterns and trends around this conduct in enough detail so that they can respond accordingly.
The attendance of pupils is showing improvement and the number of fixed-term suspensions has reduced. However, several pupils repeat the same behaviours, resulting in numerous suspensions.
The wide range of opportunities for the positive personal development of pupils is a strength of the school.
Leaders have prioritised the improvement of facilities in areas such as performing arts and sport. This had led to a greater range of extra-curricular opportunities for pupils. There are a growing number of pupils that participate regularly and leaders track this carefully.
There is an effective personal, social, health and economic curriculum. Pupils have regular 'Learning for Life' lessons, where they learn about how to keep themselves safe. The material is age-appropriate and includes how to form healthy relationships, online safety and British values.
Pupils benefit from a wide range of information and useful experiences as part of a well designed careers programme. The school meets the requirements of the Baker Clause, which requires schools to provide pupils in Years 8 to 13 with information about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
Staff, including those new to the school and profession, feel well supported with their workload.
The trust provides training for curriculum leaders through the subject networks that are developing across a number of schools. This supports the professional development of staff effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
As part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders have strengthened the pastoral support available for pupils. Staff act quickly to help pupils who are vulnerable. The school has formed strong links with a range of service providers that work with families.
Leaders raise the awareness of safeguarding risks among pupils. The Learning for Life programme and regular assemblies ensure that pupils know where to get help if they need it.
There is an appropriate curriculum and school-wide policies and practice in place to educate pupils about sexual harassment, online sexual abuse and sexual violence.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The expectations for pupils' conduct and attitude to learning are not always clear. As a result, some pupils choose not to participate in lessons or to disrupt the learning of others. Leaders should ensure that all staff apply the school's behaviour policy consistently and fairly.
• Older pupils are not able to explain what they know and remember as well as pupils in the younger years. They have gaps in their knowledge and some then find it difficult to apply what they know. Teachers should ensure that they regularly check what pupils have learned and make adaptations to the curriculum where necessary.
• Leaders do not evaluate the impact of their actions to improve pupils' behaviour and attendance carefully enough. Therefore, leaders are not clear about what is working well and what is not. Leaders should evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies in a timely manner to help inform future decisions.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.