Oak Hill Academy

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About Oak Hill Academy

Name Oak Hill Academy
Website http://www.oakhill-aspirations.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Elizabeth A Linney
Address Ashford Road, Feltham, TW13 4QP
Phone Number 02088904560
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 466
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is a happy and focused learning community. Pupils feel safe and confident to be themselves. Staff are aspirational for pupils' achievement.

They teach pupils to develop highly effective learning behaviours. This means that the school is a calm and orderly environment. Pupils highly value the school's welcoming and friendly environment.

The school ensures that pupils succeed in all areas of the well-developed curriculum. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve very well. Pupils behave impeccably well in lessons.

High levels of respect permeate through everything pupils do. The school encourages pupi...ls to recognise and celebrate diversity.

Pupils actively make their school a great place to learn.

They know that staff value their opinions. For instance, the school's 'pupil parliament' regularly gives feedback and works alongside leaders. Pupils attend a range of outings that give them a rich set of experiences.

These are linked to learning from lessons and help them know and remember more. For example, pupils went to a national art gallery to deepen their understanding of different artists and their work. Pupils participate in a wide range of clubs such as drama, gardening, sports and a rock band.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school ensures that pupils receive an excellent standard of education. Pupils benefit from learning a precisely designed curriculum. Across all subjects, the school's curriculum is coherently designed.

This enables pupils to build on their impressive knowledge as they move through the school. Staff support pupils to learn and use a rich vocabulary. The school identifies and checks the needs of pupils with SEND closely.

It provides bespoke support to pupils so that they can learn curricular content successfully.

Teachers design and adapt activities for pupils skilfully. This helps to deepen pupils' subject-specific understanding across the curriculum.

Staff check pupils' knowledge and skills with precision. They make sure that pupils produce work of a consistently high standard. Pupils achieve highly at the end of Year 6 and are very well prepared for their move to secondary school.

The school's approach to reading is exemplary. Reading is a 'pillar' of school life. High-quality teaching of phonics means pupils learn to read quickly and confidently.

Pupils who struggle with reading are identified early and supported to catch up quickly. There is a strong school-wide culture of reading in the school. For instance, pupil library monitors recommend books to others.

Staff read a wide range of books enthusiastically, which inspires and motivates pupils to develop their love of reading very well. Pupils enjoy the book clubs and featured authors' visits.

The school's programme of personal, social, health and economic education is broad and very well developed.

Pupils demonstrate exceptional understanding of the important issues that affect them. These include how to stay safe, healthy relationships and democracy. Several pupils hold a position of responsibility within the school which they take very seriously.

Pupil 'ambassadors' and the school's 'Prime Minister' are enthusiastic about their roles. Staff encourage pupils to make a positive difference to the school. The school offers a wide range of pastoral support to pupils.

This is tailored to meet the social and emotional needs of pupils.

Pupils cooperate exceptionally well with one another, both in and outside the classroom. They learn in organised, well-managed learning spaces that are free from disruption.

Staff teach pupils to manage their behaviour very effectively. Working relationships between pupils and staff are excellent. Attendance is high, and leaders keep a close eye on any pupil absences.

Pupils are keen to get to school each day.

Trustees know what is working well and what they want to make even better. They work in partnership with the staff to keep them informed and make decisions that improve the learning and experiences of all pupils.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They value the many opportunities to develop their expertise through regular professional development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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