Oakhill Primary School

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About Oakhill Primary School

Name Oakhill Primary School
Website http://www.oakhillprimaryschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Stephen Smith
Address Rookery Lane, Oakhill, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 5NS
Phone Number 01782235238
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 427
Local Authority Stoke-on-Trent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Oakhill Primary School are getting a good education. Pupils thrive on their curriculum experiences. The school prioritises developing a love of reading.

Pupils achieve well in many subjects, including mathematics and science.

Pupils play an active role in shaping school life. They take on many different jobs to help others across school.

Pupils take part in lots of different clubs and activities beyond the classroom. Pupils make a difference in school. They are passionate about their work as leaders, such as environmental officers and reading ambassadors.

One pupil summed this up by saying how they help to keep the school 'ship shape'.
Behaviour in school is exemplary. Pupils are courteous and polite as they move around school.

Pupils are motivated learners, and they show respect for one another. Pupils feel safe in school. They can confidently explain how to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy.

Pupils and parents value how well the school cares for them. Staff really get to know the pupils, including their interests and talents.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Children get off to a speedy start in reading.

In the Nursery, staff introduce children to many different stories and books. In later years, phonics is taught well through daily lessons. The books that pupils read to practise their phonics match the sounds they are learning.

Any pupils who are falling behind are quickly identified. Staff provide extra sessions for pupils who need support to keep up with their phonics. As a result, pupils develop into fluent and confident readers.

Pupils enjoy selecting books for pleasure from the school's 'reading shed' and read a wide range of books. Staff promote a love of reading throughout the school.

The school places a sharp focus on communication across all year groups.

Pupils show their speaking and listening skills in creative ways. For example, they perform poetry and deliver presentations as part of the school's oracy programmes. Children from early years express their ideas with increasing confidence.

Staff expertly guide children to think deeply and extend their spoken answers. The school makes sure that subject-specific vocabulary is taught well. Pupils are confident speakers and thoughtful debaters.

However, there is some variation in how well pupils express their ideas in writing. Pupils are not always given enough help to understand the purpose of their writing and how to edit their work.

The curriculum is well structured in subjects such as mathematics, science and French.

In these subjects, the curriculum maps out what pupils need to learn and is carefully sequenced. Staff make checks on pupils' learning to address any misconceptions. Teachers regularly revisit prior knowledge to help pupils remember what they have learned before.

This deepens pupils' knowledge and understanding.The school recognises that further refinement is needed in some subjects. For example, in history and geography, the school has set out what is to be taught, but it is early days in the introduction of new curriculum content.

The school knows it needs to check how well these subjects are being taught.

The school's accurate identification of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) means that staff are able to provide the right support for pupils with SEND. The school works closely with external agencies to provide specialist support for pupils.

The curriculum is ambitious for pupils with SEND, which supports them to do their very best.

Pupils understand the school values of ambition, confidence, empathy, independence, resilience and respect. From the early years to Year 6, children and pupils listen respectfully to the views of others.

Beyond the classroom, older pupils organise games and reading for younger children. Pupils help at the 'hippo stops', where pupils can talk about how they are feeling. Leaders offer an extensive range of enrichment activities and clubs.

These are popular, and take up is high. School trips and visitors broaden the experiences for all pupils. Pupils enjoy the opportunities to participate in a life skills week, where they learn about dog safety, road safety, water safety and practical life skills.

The school wants pupils to access adventurous activities. This all helps to build pupils' character and raise their aspirations.

Parents and carers are actively involved in school life.

Regular events and workshops help parents participate in school. Parents are very positive about the school, and they appreciate how well staff know their children. Parents gave many examples of how the school has helped their children and families.

The trust and local governors provide strong support for the school. Staff value the way the school considers the well-being of all, including staff, when managing change.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the curriculum is not as well embedded as in other subjects. As a result, how well pupils learn in these subjects is not as strong as it could be. The school should continue to develop the curriculum so that learning in all subjects is well sequenced and taught effectively.

• The writing curriculum is not yet fully developed. As a result, the quality of pupils' writing and their ability to edit their work could be better. The school should establish meaningful opportunities for pupils to write for different purposes and audiences at length.

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