Oakington Manor Primary School

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About Oakington Manor Primary School

Name Oakington Manor Primary School
Website http://www.oakmanor.brent.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Ms Simrita Singh
Address Oakington Manor Drive, Wembley, HA9 6NF
Phone Number 02089022871
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 678
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has developed a highly inclusive culture that ensures everyone is welcome.

Pupils and staff are proud of their school and follow the school charter, which includes respecting one another. Pupils feel a strong sense of community. They are happy, safe and enjoy learning.

Staff know pupils well and have built strong working relationships with them. The school has high expectations of all pupils. The curriculum is ambitious for all, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils are well behaved during lessons and around the school site. They are polite and show kindness to each other. They enjoy earning points for p...ositive behaviour.

They are regularly rewarded with certificates and prizes. In early years, children are taught how to follow instructions and routines. They play together well and learn how to share and take turns.

Pupils benefit from a wide range of experiences beyond the classroom, including visits to museums and welcoming visitors, such as authors. They regularly help others. For example, pupils raise money for local charities.

Older pupils are role models to younger ones. They design and play games with them in the playground and each class has a reading buddy.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum.

Pupils are taught subjects by teachers who have strong subject knowledge. This helps to ensure that the curriculum is delivered effectively.

In many subjects, leaders have decided precisely what they want pupils to remember.

For example, in mathematics, the children in Reception order numbers from 1 to 10, and by Year 6 they can multiply and divide larger numbers using decimals. However, in some subjects, pupils' understanding of subject-specific vocabulary is sometimes less secure. In these subjects, it makes it harder for pupils to embed this knowledge in their long-term memory and connect it to their prior learning.

The school places high importance on pupils reading fluently. They are taught the knowledge and skills they need to read confidently. Pupils enjoy borrowing books from the school or class library.

Leaders ensure that teaching matches pupils' starting points in reading. This includes pupils with SEND. Pupils read books that are aligned securely to the letters and sounds they know.

The school provides information to parents and carers, so that they know how to help with their child's reading at home. Pupils receive extra phonics teaching to help them keep up, where needed.

In early years, curriculum thinking is very strong.

Adults expertly support children to develop strong foundations of knowledge across the curriculum. This includes promoting children's independence and emotional development. For example, in Reception, children were prompted to take turns in a dice game when building their own individual structures.

Teachers adapt teaching and resources appropriately for pupils with SEND. Pupils with SEND learn alongside their peers. The school works with external experts to ensure that pupils' needs are identified.

They regularly check how well pupils with SEND learn and remember key knowledge and skills.

Pupils behave impeccably. Around the school, they are cheerful and courteous.

In lessons, pupils are committed to their learning. They are proud to represent the school, for example, on educational outings or in sport tournaments. The school's collaboration with parents and external agencies has notably improved attendance.

The school are aspirational in their work to support pupils' personal development. Their aim is to give them as many opportunities as possible to see the world beyond their immediate experience. Music is a real strength.

Pupils can learn a variety of instruments such as guitar, keyboard, steel pans and trumpet. The children are proud to show case their talents to the school.The programme of enrichment, including the visits and clubs that the school organises, is to ensure that pupils broaden their horizons.

It is comprehensive and rich. For example, pupils take part in outings to London museums linked to their learning in science and history. They visit the local library as part of the work to promote a love of reading and ensure that pupils read widely.

The excellent sports offer and woodland provision give pupils many opportunities to develop a healthy lifestyle. The variety of after-school clubs ignites pupils' interest and helps them to develop their talents.

Staff are happy to work here.

They said that leaders are mindful of their workload and well-being, for example by arranging enjoyable team-building events. The trustees know the school well and offer a high level of support and challenge.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, pupils in Years 1 to 6 do not acquire sufficient knowledge in subject-specific vocabulary to help them remember what they have learned. As a result, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge or struggle to connect prior learning to new knowledge. The school should refine further their curriculum thinking, so that pupils know and remember more in the long term.

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