Oaklands Primary School

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About Oaklands Primary School

Name Oaklands Primary School
Website http://www.oaklands-primary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Tessa Hodgson
Address Oaklands Road, Hanwell, London, W7 2DP
Phone Number 02085675243
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 455
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are safe in this close and welcoming school community.

Every pupil has the opportunity to thrive here. Leaders have high expectations that all staff and pupils know and which reflect the school's values: 'respect, pride and love learning'. Pupils achieve highly, have fun and gain new experiences here.

They are very well prepared for the next stages of their education.

Pupils conduct themselves sensibly. They are polite and considerate towards each other and adults in lessons and around the school.

Pupils are enthusiastic about learning. From the early years onwards, children swiftly develop behaviours and attitudes that help them to learn succ...essfully. The school's 'learning heroes' inspire pupils to listen carefully, work respectfully with others and keep trying.

In weekly assemblies, children celebrated their learning together, describing how they used the 'learning heroes' to overcome challenges and succeed. The ethos of the school celebrates each child's learning journey so they can all be proud.

Pupils willingly take on positions of responsibility which have a positive impact on the life of the school and wider community.

For example, planet ambassadors encourage sustainability. The diversity council help leaders to ensure the curriculum reflects and values the diverse school community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a curriculum that reflects and exceeds the content and ambition of the primary national curriculum and is well established in all subjects.

In every subject, the content to be taught is very well organised. Leaders have identified the key facts and skills that pupils need to learn each year. Leaders have organised the curriculum so that pupils regularly review and reinforce what they have learned previously and then move on to new and more demanding content.

Leaders review the curriculum thoughtfully and make minor adjustments appropriately each year. They ensure subject content is current and relevant to pupils and that pupils have access to high-quality resources. Pupils' learning is enriched through frequent educational visits.

Leaders have a well-thought-through approach to checking how well pupils learn. They adapt how the curriculum is taught to ensure any gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding are filled. Staff are vigilant to any pupils who need support with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders make sure that staff have specific information and training so that they know and use the right strategies to meet each pupil's needs and enable them to access the whole curriculum. Pupils are highly attentive to their teachers and respond immediately to requests from staff.

Leaders ensure that all staff have received training in the school's chosen scheme for the teaching of reading so that staff gain expertise in the expected approaches.

Pupils rapidly develop their phonics skills and reading fluency. Leaders oversee a comprehensive programme of interventions so that any pupils who need extra help with reading soon catch up with others. Across all subjects, teachers promote pupils' use of subject-specific vocabulary which boosts pupils' comprehension skills.

Leaders provide extensive opportunities for pupils to practise reading, including access to class and school libraries stocked with high-quality texts.

Leaders, including the governing body, make sure that all benefit from high-quality opportunities to gain new experiences and develop their interests. Staff enable all pupils to participate in clubs and special events.

They boost pupils' confidence in sports and promote physical fitness. Pupils are proud to represent the school in external sporting competitions. Increasing numbers of pupils take part over time.

The school's personal, social and health education and relationships and sex education are purposeful and thoughtfully designed to support pupils' personal development. Leaders and staff encourage pupils to recognise risky situations, understand and manage their feelings and keep themselves safe. Leaders emphasise key messages such as 'keep your body safe' in the child-friendly version of the safeguarding policy.

Leaders make sure that pupils' mental health and well-being are supported by a range of professionals.

Staff are highly appreciative of training and professional development opportunities that they receive to help them fulfil their roles. Leaders' coaching programme is especially successful in enabling every teacher to develop strong subject knowledge across the primary curriculum and their work with pupils with SEND.

Leaders work closely with staff before making changes and respond to feedback, including about staff's workload.

The governing body fully understands and carries out its responsibilities. Recent restructuring of the governing body has been thoughtfully organised to enhance its communications with staff and leaders and their knowledge of the school.

Leaders, including the governing body, maintain strong and positive communications with parents and carers. Leaders promote a very strong and cohesive school community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff receive regular training about the most recent safeguarding requirements. Leaders ensure that staff know and understand their safeguarding responsibilities, are watchful for any sign that a child might be at risk from harm and follow correct procedures if they have any concerns. Leaders are vigilant and persistent in their work, including with external agencies, to help pupils and their families receive the support they need.

Staff make strong and positive links with parents to promote the safeguarding of pupils.

Aspects of the curriculum help pupils identify risks to their safety. For example, key messages about e-safety are threaded through the curriculum, reinforced in newsletters and assemblies and promoted by the pupil 'e-cadets'.

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