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This is a happy and inclusive school. The school's values, such as respect, perseverance and friendship, are at the forefront of its work. Pupils understand what staff expect of them.
They respond positively. There is a purposeful buzz of learning throughout the school.
Pupils are proud to be members of the school.
They are polite, sociable and friendly.Pupils have consistently positive attitudes to learning.
Pastoral support is strong.
Staff form caring and supportive relationships with pupils. Older pupils act as buddies and 'stay safe' mentors. Bullying is not tolerated.
Pupils know there is always someone to turn to if they have... any worries. They feel safe because adults look after them and help them to resolve problems.
Pupils thoroughly enjoy all that is on offer at the school.
For example, they take part in residential trips and visit local natural habitats. The school helps pupils to develop their interests and talents. They enjoy gardening, cookery and archery.
Some learn a musical instrument, such as the ocarina or guitar.
Parents' views are overwhelmingly positive. They typically comment on the strong sense of community, dedicated staff and support for pupils with additional needs.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a broad and rich curriculum that is well-sequenced and ambitious. The school has identified the knowledge, skills and vocabulary it expects pupils to learn.
The school prioritises reading.
Pupils are inspired to develop a love of reading through the provision of high-quality reading materials. Pupils love listening when adults read to them. The new phonics programme has had a striking impact.
Children learn to read as soon as they start school. Pupils regularly practise phonics, which helps them to become fluent readers. Pupils who find reading difficult are provided with extra practice.
This improves their confidence and accuracy. Pupils develop their comprehension and vocabulary.
The school has improved the curriculum in several subjects.
Teachers provide clear explanations and show pupils what they expect them to do. In the strongest curriculums, teaching regularly checks how well pupils are learning and helps to move their learning on. For example, in mathematics, pupils now have more regular opportunities to develop their reasoning skills.
This is improving their fluency and ability to solve problems.
The implementation of the curriculum is at an early stage in some subjects. Assessment is still being developed in some areas.
This means that teaching does not always identify when pupils have gaps in their knowledge. This hinders pupils from building the deep knowledge they need to prepare them for what comes next.
The school works closely with parents and specialists to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The school provides extra teaching and pastoral support when pupils need it, so that they can learn the same curriculum as their peers.
Pupils enjoy and become thoroughly immersed in their learning. For example, key stage 1 pupils enjoy choosing leaves to draw when learning outdoors.
Children in the early years learn to ride bikes. They explore and are fascinated to observe the speed of toy cars travelling down a tube.
Low-level disruption is rare because pupils know what is expected of them.
The school supports pupils who find it difficult to recognise and manage their emotions. For instance, pupils are encouraged to share worries with the 'worry monster'. This is having a positive impact.
Pupils persevere with their learning.
The school supports pupils' personal development well. For example, pupils learn to budget and raise money for causes that matter to them.
Pupils learn from visits and guest speakers about different beliefs and religions. Pupils take on positions of responsibility, such as lunchtime helpers. They contribute ideas for school improvement when they are elected as 'agents of change'.
This helps them to understand their roles as citizens.
The school is well supported by the local authority, governors and a hub of local schools. The school is developing the rigour of its checks on the quality of education.
It does not yet have precise knowledge of the impact of the curriculum in all subjects. The school ensures staff are well supported to manage their workload.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, teaching does not routinely identify when pupils have gaps in their knowledge or are ready to move on. This hinders how well pupils learn. The school must refine assessment, and adapt the curriculum when required, so that pupils are well supported to know and remember more.
• The school's checks on the quality of education are not sufficiently well-developed. This means the school does not have a secure oversight of the impact of the curriculum on pupils' learning. The school must ensure sharply focused checks consider the impact of the curriculum on pupils' learning.