Oakthorpe Primary School

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About Oakthorpe Primary School

Name Oakthorpe Primary School
Website http://www.oakthorpeprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rachel Culpan
Address School Street, Oakthorpe, Swadlincote, DE12 7RE
Phone Number 01530270383
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 90
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a caring school. Staff know pupils well.

Pupils say that, 'Staff care more about us than anything else.' Pupils respect their teachers. They appreciate that they help them to learn a lot.

This makes pupils want to do their best.

Leaders want pupils to have strong personal skills. Pupils say that teachers help them to reflect on their 'ideal selves' so they can stick at challenges.

Leaders want pupils to learn from experiences. Pupils told us about body boarding and abseiling on a residential trip. They enjoy visiting theatres and the National Gallery.

Leaders want pupils to know and understand more. Pupils talk about reliable sources... of evidence in history. They connect what they learn about Chinese dynasties to what they know about royal families in other countries.

Pupils behave well. They say they are treated fairly. They trust adults to listen to them and keep them safe.

Pupils say that bullying rarely happens. They say adults are quick to sort out any issues. Pupils enjoy receiving awards for work.

They enjoy nominating each other for showing determination and effort.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders want all pupils to achieve highly. They have created a sense of teamwork across the school.

They provide training and support, so that staff share their high ambitions for pupils. Leaders make sure that pupils get a good quality of education.

Leaders make sure that the mathematics curriculum is well planned so that pupils build up their knowledge year by year.

Teachers know what pupils can already do and what they need to do next. Pupils gain the knowledge that they need so that they can take on even more demanding work. Pupils achieve well in this subject.

Leaders make sure that phonics is taught well. They have introduced new ways of teaching in order to improve pupils' reading. Teachers show pupils how to use key words and phrases to answer questions about what they have read.

Teachers read a range of age-appropriate books to pupils. These include story books and information books. They introduce and explain new vocabulary to pupils well.

Pupils are enthusiastic readers. They enjoy using the school library. Most pupils read fluently and with understanding.

Some pupils who find reading difficult need more help so that they can read as well as others.

Leaders quickly identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They consider carefully the help these pupils need.

They put support in place, so that these pupils achieve well. Pupils who are at risk of falling behind are helped to catch up and keep up.

Trust leaders make sure that school leaders receive training from curriculum experts.

They use this to help them improve the quality of the curriculum further. Pupils enjoy learning about interesting topics in a range of subjects. Subject leaders help teachers improve how they teach different subjects.

Together, they plan learning in a logical order. They have begun to identify the important knowledge they want pupils to remember. This planning is well on the way in some subjects, for example in history and physical education, but it is not fully in place in some others.

Staff make sure that children are safe and happy in early years. Children settle quickly and learn the routines of school life. They enjoy the range of interesting activities on offer.

For example, they enjoyed working together to make a model of the Houses of Parliament. They could then explain about Guy Fawkes and 'conspirators' trying to blow up King James. Teachers build up children's knowledge and understanding ready for Year 1.

Pupils behave well and respect each other. Pupils have many opportunities to develop as happy, healthy and thoughtful individuals. They take part in visits and welcome visitors to support their learning.

Pupils recently interviewed a local miner to help them understand more about history. Older pupils think about what they need to do to be ready for secondary school. They are looking forward to this.

Pupils are proud to represent their school at many sporting events. They also take part in public performances. For example, a group of pupils played the ukulele at a local theatre.

Many parents and carers said they appreciate staff's commitment to go the extra mile. Staff feel valued. They appreciate that leaders care about their well-being.

Staff value the training they receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff give the highest priority to pupils' welfare.

Leaders provide staff with regular safeguarding updates and training. Staff know how to report and record safeguarding concerns. Leaders act quickly to make sure that vulnerable pupils receive help as soon as possible.

They work well with other agencies to get this help.

Leaders check staff's suitability to work with children before they start to work at the school.

Pupils understand how to stay safe when online.

They learn about fire and road safety. They know who to talk to if they have any worries.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders have put in place a reading curriculum which ensures that most children secure the skills and knowledge necessary to be confident and fluent readers.

They need to adapt the curriculum to ensure that those pupils who find reading difficult get the help they need to be able to read as well as others. . Leaders have made a good start to developing a coherently planned and well-sequenced curriculum which ensures that most pupils learn well and complete their programmes of study across a broad range of subjects.

In history and physical education, leaders have considered the important knowledge they want pupils to know and remember. Subject leaders have supported colleagues to improve their teaching of these subjects. Leaders should now ensure that this is completed for all subjects.

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