Oare Church of England Primary School

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About Oare Church of England Primary School

Name Oare Church of England Primary School
Website https://oare.excalibur.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Ms Michelle Perrett
Address Cold Blow, Oare, Marlborough, SN8 4JL
Phone Number 01672562256
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 64
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school. They say everyone cares for each other.

Parents agree. This small school makes sure that every child is valued and well looked after. Pupils in Year 6 act as buddies to the youngest children in Reception.

Children who have just started at the school settle quickly. They begin their learning straight away.

Pupils are adamant that there is no bullying.

Pupils say that if they fall out, it is settled quickly. Pupils of all ages play together happily at breaktimes with their friends. They say that they feel safe.

Staff take time to listen and help them if they are sad or worried.

Behaviour in lessons and a...t breaktimes is good. The school's Christian values, known as 'WE CARE', underpin the school's work.

Pupils learn to respect each other. They show their deep understanding of their values in the positive way they behave. They also know that 'it is ok to be different'.

Pupils feel secure, safe and nurtured in this happy school.

Some pupils come to Oare from other schools. They say that the work is harder and more challenging, which they like.

They know that teachers have high expectations. Staff guide them to achieve the highest possible standards. Parents say they are pleased that they made the decision to send their child to this school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The head of school demonstrates ambition and the drive to give every child a good quality of education. Staff share her passion and enthusiasm. The school has undergone significant improvement since her appointment.

The trust and local governing body have supported the school to implement high expectations and a belief that every child can do well. Behaviour is now good. Standards have risen and are above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics.

Leaders have planned what they want pupils to know and learn in all subjects. Teachers deliver this broad curriculum in the three mixed-aged classes. Staff give the teaching of reading a high priority.

They plan the teaching of letters and sounds in detail. Leaders set clear expectations for what pupils need to achieve term by term. Pupils develop a love of reading.

They read a range of authors and enjoy choosing books from their library and class book corners. Teachers identify quickly any pupils at risk of falling behind. They also provide good support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Pupils in Year 6 leave the school as confident and fluent readers. They achieve high standards in reading and writing.

Teachers plan the knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn in mathematics in each year group.

This work helps teachers to plan lessons which build on what pupils already know and understand. They check that pupils understand their learning in lessons before they tackle more challenging work. As a result, pupils build their knowledge and understanding step by step.

They learn to think deeply and solve difficult mathematical problems. Pupils are very well prepared to tackle Year 7 work when they transfer to secondary school.

Leaders plan the knowledge and skills in science that they want pupils to learn.

Pupils in Year 2 could explain what plants need to grow well. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 spoke with confidence about photosynthesis and the impact of pollution on the environment. However, sometimes teachers do not check that pupils have remembered the knowledge and concepts taught previously before moving on to new learning.

This means that pupils do not always link previous learning to their current work in science. Pupils do not consistently understand and remember key knowledge.

Leaders continue to work with teachers to plan the knowledge and skills that they want pupils to learn in different subjects.

This work is more established in some subjects than in others. For example, in art, pupils learn about the work of different artists, building their knowledge and understanding. Artwork displayed in the school is of a high quality.

There are three dimensional creations in the style of Andy Goldsworthy, paintings inspired by the work of Peter Thorpe and a sculpture inspired by The Firebird, composed by Stravinsky. However, in history, it is less clear to see how leaders develop pupils' knowledge and understanding in this subject across the school.

Staff prioritise the well-being of all pupils.

Pupils learn to eat a healthy diet and respect the feelings of others. Leaders and governors check the well-being and progress of disadvantaged pupils and those with additional needs carefully. They make sure that planned support is put in place.

This approach helps these pupils to do well.

Many parents say that the head of school is very approachable. Both parents and pupils know they can talk about any concerns and that they will be listened to.

The range of after-school clubs and provision is impressive. For example, street dancing, sports clubs and the end of year musicals enrich pupils' experience. Also, staff say that leaders support their wellbeing as a priority.

They respect the head of school's actions to tackle the workload successfully.

Parents appreciate the care and support provided by staff before their child starts school. As a result, children settle quickly.

The older pupils in the class support the Reception children exceptionally well. Children learn the routines and expectations from day 1. This helps them to get off to a flying start.

Children learn letters and sounds every day. They already know several sounds. They can also recognise and identify numbers to 10.

Staff are quick to spot where support is needed for individual children. Parents say this work has helped their child have a very positive start to their school experience.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and all staff place the highest priority on keeping pupils safe. The trust makes sure that all staff have the right checks before beginning work at the school. Also, they check that staff have completed the training they need to be able to spot concerns.

Staff know what to do if they identify a pupil who may be at risk of harm. They work closely with support available in the local area to help pupils and families find the help they need. Pupils are confident that their safety is taken very seriously by all staff and governors.

They understand the potential dangers of using the internet.

The school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently coherently planned and sequenced in some subjects, notably science and history. However, it is clear from the actions that leaders have already taken to plan this year's curriculum, and to establish the actions they will take to deliver it, that they are in the process of bringing this about.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders plan the knowledge and skills that pupils need in each year group to enable pupils to achieve well. However, some teachers do not yet have the subject knowledge to be able to plan and deliver sequences of lessons so that pupils develop knowledge and understanding well, particularly in science and history. .

Leaders have ensured that the school's curriculum is planned and sequenced coherently so that pupils gain the knowledge and skills they need for future learning. This is particularly the case in reading, writing and mathematics. However, senior leaders need to ensure that subject leaders have a greater influence over the quality of education in their areas of responsibility, especially in science and history.

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