Oasis Academy Brightstowe

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About Oasis Academy Brightstowe

Name Oasis Academy Brightstowe
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Andraea Davies
Address Penpole Lane, Shirehampton, Bristol, BS11 0EB
Phone Number 01173167330
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 749
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school.

Leaders have raised expectations throughout the academy and adapted the curriculum to meet the needs of the students. This is now enabling students to achieve well in all year groups and across a wide range subjects. Leaders' evaluations of the academy's effectiveness are accurate.

These provide the basis for well-considered strategies to attend to the academy's weaknesses. For example, support and guidance provided for inexperienced staff has had a positive impact well on teaching. Students' progress in English, history and geography is at least good and sometimes outstanding.

Progress in mathematics and science has improved an...d is now good. The academy trust plays a strong leadership role. It is well-informed and makes regular checks on their work.

This enables it to provide effective challenge and support to its leaders. The academy's work to keep all students safe is good. Students' attitudes to learning are overwhelmingly positive.

They take a pride in their work and behave well both in lessons and during social times. Students respond well to teachers' enthusiasm, high expectations and established routines. Strong relationships have a positive impact on learning.

In general, teachers provide work which challenges and engages all students. In some instances, tasks are planned imaginatively. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Achievement in modern foreign languages remains low, especially at Key Stage 4.

The progress of the most able students has not received enough attention and is only now beginning to improve quickly enough. Teachers do not always check on students' learning in class well enough. This means they are not able to refocus the learning when necessary.

Students are not always challenged enough to think for themselves and to deepen their understanding. Students do not always know how to improve their work. This is because the agreed academy systems for providing guidance are not always used to best effect.

Information about this school

Oasis Academy Brightstowe is smaller than the average-sized secondary school. Student numbers are rising. The Oasis Trust sponsors Oasis Academy Brightstowe.

Locally it is part of the trust's North Bristol hub, which also includes two primary schools. The Principal is also Executive Principal of one of these schools. The academy has established an off-site centre known as 'The Orb' that provides full-time education for 16 older students who are struggling to learn in the main academy.

The academy uses no other alternative provision. Most Year 7 lessons are taught in a discrete learning base. More than five sixths of students are of White British heritage, with the others coming from several different ethnic groups.

About one in 13 of the students speak English as an additional language. Nearly two fifths of students are disabled or have special educational needs. This proportion is well above average.

Half of the students are disadvantaged and receive support from the pupil premium, which is additional funding for students known to be eligible for free school meals and those in local authority care. This proportion is well above the national average. The academy meets the government's current floor targets, which set the minimum expectations for the attainment and progress of students.

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