Oasis Academy Fir Vale

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About Oasis Academy Fir Vale

Name Oasis Academy Fir Vale
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Helen Round
Address Owler Lane, Fir Vale, Sheffield, S4 8GA
Phone Number 01142012300
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 433
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Oasis Academy Fir Vale is a welcoming school at the very heart of the community it serves. Pupils enjoy learning in an environment where they are very well supported.

Pupils feel safe.

Staff are skilled in the way they support pupils. The vast majority of pupils speak English as an additional language.

Those new to the country often have had no formal schooling. Staff waste no time in developing pupils' skills to enable them to be successful learners. One parent, reflecting the view of others, stated, 'This school has got my daughter back on track.'

Pupils are polite and welcoming, and they have a very positive attitude to learning. When b...ullying occurs, pupils know adults are quick to sort out the problems. Parents and carers are positive about behaviour.

Leaders and staff provide exceptional opportunities to support pupils' personal development. There is an extensive range of well-planned activities to support this. The Oasis ethos, promotion of the school's nine 'habits' and many aspects of the curriculum support pupils to be able to thrive in modern society.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff are committed to the school and its pupils and community. They are determined to give pupils the best start.

Staff have worked hard to develop a curriculum which is exciting for pupils.

Staff provide a wealth of rich experiences which spark pupils' curiosity. Leaders are very clear how subjects should be taught. Because of this, there is an effective, consistent approach to teaching across the school.

Subjects are planned carefully, and, as a result, what pupils learn is broken down into small steps. Leaders make sure developing pupils' vocabulary is always prioritised. For example, staff provide pupils with an overview of what they are going to learn, including key words that are important.

Pupils have frequent opportunities to revisit and practise previously taught skills. Staff check pupils' understanding and give them extra help if needed. In some subjects, assessment information is used inconsistently.

Leaders ensure reading is the key priority. Pupils are given opportunities to practise their reading skills in most lessons. The teaching of phonics is effective.

Phonics is taught as soon as pupils start school. For some pupils, who have just arrived in the country, this can be in key stage 2. Pupils make rapid improvements.

Reading books are accurately matched to pupils' reading ability. When they start to struggle, extra support is provided swiftly, which helps pupils catch up. Leaders have carefully chosen high-quality books for pupils to read.

For example, taken from the text they were reading, pupils in Year 6 discussed the meaning of 'anonymity', 'eccentric' and 'orphan'. On a daily basis, pupils enjoy teachers reading to them.

Mathematics is taught effectively.

Teachers are quick to alter lessons to address any gaps pupils have in their knowledge or understanding. Teachers make sure pupils are challenged.

Teachers both adapt lessons and provide extra support to meet the needs of all pupils.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported effectively. Leaders work with external agencies to help these pupils do well.

There is a clear focus in Nursery and Reception on the development of language.

Adults support children to settle into their new surroundings and to be ready for learning. Children are happy, curious and play well together. Adults spend time with parents and carers to show them how they can help with children's learning.

Pupils behave well in lessons and focus on their learning. For the few pupils who sometimes need extra guidance, highly skilled staff use consistent approaches to support these pupils. Staff provide support to ensure that pupils attend regularly, and most pupils do.

However, there are a few pupils who regularly miss school.

Leaders provide exceptional opportunities for pupils' personal development. Pupils are very proud of their roles in school, which include acting as interpreters, peer mediators and well-being ambassadors.

There is an active school parliament, and, as a result, pupils feel they actively contribute to improvements in the school. The school offers a wide range of clubs, some of which are based on pupils' own interests. Some clubs take place during the school day to enable more pupils to participate.

Staff plan trips and other events to widen pupils' experiences and raise aspirations.

The school is well led and managed. The staff are an enthusiastic and well-motivated team who feel very much valued by leaders.

Leaders are effective in both supporting staff well-being and reducing the staff's workload. Leaders know the school's strengths and areas in need of further development. Teachers at the beginning of their careers are well supported by leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have developed a culture where safeguarding is the responsibility of all. There are efficient and effective systems in place to enable leaders to support pupils and their families quickly.

Leaders work tirelessly to access the support families need.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. The curriculum has been developed to reflect pupils' needs.

For example, a high priority is given to teaching pupils about dental hygiene.Leaders carry out the required checks before staff start working at the school. The school has comprehensive records, which are regularly checked.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Not all subject leaders use assessment effectively. As a result, not all subject leaders know what pupils do well and what they need to improve. Leaders need to ensure consistency across all subjects so that information from assessments is used to highlight gaps in learning and inform subsequent teaching.

• Over time, leaders have successfully focused on improving attendance. However, a number of pupils are frequently absent, and, because of this, they do not achieve as well as they should. Leaders should continue to sharpen their focus on improving attendance for these pupils so that they benefit from the school's curriculum and achieve their potential.

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