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This is a good school The principal and her leadership team have an uncompromising ambition for the school. Their strong leadership has led to much better teaching, improved behaviour and more rapid progress for pupils.
Staff share the leaders' vision and are justifiably proud of the improvements they are making in their school. Middle leaders are an emerging strength of the school. Like senior leaders, they are highly ambitious for their pupils.
They use progress data effectively to pinpoint underachievement and put into place effective support. Oasis Community Learning provides highly effective support and challenge to the school. Leaders benefit greatly fro...m their contact with trust staff and the strong links with other schools in the trust.
Governors know the school well and are clear about what more needs to be done. As a result of an intensive programme of training, governors now feel more confident to challenge leaders and are asking more probing questions. Teaching is now good overall and the progress made by pupils has accelerated considerably over the last year, especially in key stage 4.
Leaders are not complacent, however, and they continue to take effective action to eradicate weaker teaching. As a result of strong leadership, safeguarding is effective. Staff receive appropriate training and pupils feel safe.
They know who to go to, if problems arise, and have real confidence that staff will help them resolve any issues which arise. Changes to the school's systems to promote positive behaviour and attitudes to learning are effective. Behaviour both in lessons and about the school is good.
Pupils treat each other and adults with respect. However, the number of exclusions remains too high and leaders acknowledge their focus on attendance must continue. Careers education and guidance is a strength of the school.
As a result, the vast majority of pupils leaving the school go on to positive destinations. Leaders accept that progress in humanities for those pupils who left the school at the end of Year 11 has been very low for the past two years. Current progress in humanities is a more positive picture.
Leaders are clear that they must ensure that their plans to secure more rapid progress in history and geography are successful. Leaders are improving the progress of disadvantaged pupils from a low starting point and acknowledge there is further work to do.
Information about this school
The school is part of the Oasis multi-academy trust.
Local governance is delivered by the academy council and national governance is delivered through the national office and the regional director, on behalf of the board. The school is smaller than the averaged-sized secondary school. Most pupils are of White British heritage.
Few pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for the pupil premium is above the national average. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is above the national average.
A lower than average proportion of pupils have an education, health and care plan compared to the national average. The school uses two alternative providers for nine pupils, Phoenix Park Academy and Sevenhills Academy. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.