Ogbourne CofE Primary School

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About Ogbourne CofE Primary School

Name Ogbourne CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Lucy Crump
Address High Street, Ogbourne St George, Marlborough, SN8 1SU
Phone Number 01672841318
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 90
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

In this harmonious school, pupils embody the school values of friendship, integrity, respect and effort. This shows in the way they care for each other.

One pupil said, 'We need to be kind as we don't always know what someone is going through.' Parents appreciate how well staff know their children.

There are high expectations for all pupils to achieve their best, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Trust and school leaders have made rapid improvements to the school's curriculum. This ensures that pupils learn well.

Pupils behave well and feel safe in school.

Bullying is rare. Pupils are confident that s...taff will help them resolve any problems. They are keen to earn 'praise points' for their work and actions.

Pupils are proud of their work, which is improving in quality.

Leadership opportunities encourage pupils to play an active role in school life. For example, Year 5 buddies are partnered with children in Reception.

This helps the younger children settle into school quickly. Parents are positive about the impact of this on their children. Trips to places such as Stonehenge and West Kennet Long Barrow help pupils to make sense of their history.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils learn a broad, ambitious curriculum from Reception to Year 6. The curriculum has been carefully sequenced to ensure that pupils' knowledge builds year on year. For example, by Year 6, pupils understand the properties of different artistic media.

They can use pastels and watercolour paints to achieve the effect they wish to create.

The small steps of knowledge that pupils need to know have been precisely identified. This helps teachers know what to teach and when.

In most subjects, this means pupils are learning the curriculum well. However, in some subjects, the curriculum is new. Some pupils struggle to make sense of new learning because they have historic gaps in their knowledge.

Teachers are not fully aware of these gaps because they do not check precisely what pupils know and can do. Consequently, some pupils do not understand new subject content.

Pupils are confident, fluent readers.

This is due to the determination of the school that pupils will love to read. Children get off to a strong start in Reception, where they learn phonics from day one. Staff are well trained in the school's chosen phonics scheme.

Pupils who have fallen behind are swiftly identified. They catch up quickly because of the effective support they receive. In the weekly reading newsletter, staff share new and exciting texts.

They provide parents with top tips for reading with their children. This keeps reading high on everyone's agenda.

The school's recently introduced mathematics curriculum is well-designed.

In Reception, children develop a secure understanding of number. This prepares them well for Year 1. Staff model mathematical vocabulary and provide opportunities for pupils to practise these words.

Pupils are becoming more confident in solving problems and explaining their mathematical thinking. Sometimes, teachers do not select the most appropriate methods to teach new subject content. This is because they have not received the guidance they need.

As a result, this hinders some pupils from learning mathematical concepts.

Effective systems are in place for identifying pupils with SEND. The school makes adaptations to ensure that pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers.

Leaders work effectively with other agencies to secure the support these pupils need. Because of this, pupils with SEND learn well.

Pupils look forward to coming to school.

Attendance is high. Children in Reception know and follow the school's routines and expectations. The well-constructed learning environment helps them build independence.

As they move through the school, pupils develop resilience in their learning. They persevere when they find learning tricky. Lessons proceed without disruption.

At social times, pupils play cooperatively. They enjoy the activities available in the playground, such as the outdoor gym.

Leaders aim to create learners who can 'change the world for the better'.

They empower pupils to make decisions. For example, pupils decided to support a charity as part of their focus on 'zero hunger'. Pupils are tolerant, inclusive and respectful of differences.

Pupils have a deep and meaningful understanding of British values, such as democracy. Pupils are passionate about their 'mini-parliament' debates on electric cars and dog ownership.

Trustees and local governors know the school well.

Staff benefit from the support of skilled professionals from across the trust. For example, support in developing the curriculum has reduced staff workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers have not received the guidance they require to deliver the mathematics curriculum effectively. As a result, the implementation of this curriculum is too variable, and some pupils do not gain the knowledge they need to learn the curriculum well. The trust should ensure that teachers receive the guidance they need to teach the curriculum well.

The checks teachers make on pupils' learning in some subjects are not precise enough. This means that teachers do not always have the right information to inform their decisions about what pupils need to learn next. The trust needs to ensure that assessment in these subjects is strengthened so that pupils learn and remember the curriculum well.

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