Ogmore Vale Primary

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About Ogmore Vale Primary

Name Ogmore Vale Primary
Address Aber Road, Ogmore Vale, CF32 7AJ
Phone Number 01656815640
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 304 (53.6% boys 46.4% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 21.3
Local Authority Bridgend
Highlights from Latest Inspection

R6. Increase opportunities for pupils to contribute purposefully to the life and work of the school Since the core inspection, the school has introduced several learner voice groups, including a school council, a healthy schools group and a digital leaders' group.

Members of these groups understand their role in improving the work of the school for the benefit of pupils. They appreciate opportunities to work alongside members of staff and influence changes within the school, for example when they accompany the school's improvement partner on learning walks around the school to identify strengths and areas for improvement in classrooms. The groups highlight priorities for the year ahead, which pupils have identified.

They s...hare the work they have planned and the actions they have taken through posters in classrooms and on a designated noticeboard in the hall. Their contributions to school newsletters ensure that parents and members of the community understand and can support their plans and actions. The school council has focused particularly strongly on developing the school's commitment to placing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of its work.

The articles of the convention are highly visible around the school and members of the school council take their responsibility in helping other pupils to understand these seriously. The healthy schools group encourages pupils to take more exercise through activities such as walking or cycling to school. Members have had particular success in persuading kitchen staff to make changes to the way pupils make their lunch choices, resulting in less food waste and happier pupils.

Digital leaders are developing their responsibilities in relation to supporting pupils and staff to improve their digital skills, which is a priority on the new school development plan. Overall, the contribution that pupils make to the life and work of the school has grown considerably since the core inspection in 2017. They are, quite rightly, proud of the work that they do, and are now ready to take more direct responsibility for leading and directing the work of these groups.

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