Old Bexley Church of England School

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About Old Bexley Church of England School

Name Old Bexley Church of England School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jill Ivil
Address Hurst Road, Bexley, DA5 3JR
Phone Number 01322527981
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 719
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy attending this welcoming school where staff are friendly and encouraging. Pupils enjoy helping others. For example, they raise funds regularly for nominated charities and collect items to donate to a food bank.

Staff build positive working relationships with pupils. All pupils are enthusiastic about learning the curriculum. Pupils have many opportunities to develop their talents and interests through clubs, including orchestra, gymnastics and 'news club'.

During circle times, pupils discuss important issues and listen to others' opinions.

Pupils behave in a calm and orderly manner. They are motivated and work hard.

From the early years, ...children learn to share and take turns. Pupils like looking after each other. For example, 'wizards of wellbeing' provide extra support and care to any pupils who may need it.

One pupil, reflecting the views of many, said, 'Everyone is very friendly.' Pupils enjoy receiving rewards, including in their weekly achievement assembly where positive behaviour is celebrated. Leaders deal with instances of bullying effectively.

Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to take up responsibility. They take account of pupils' views. For example, the school council has worked with leaders to introduce new activities, such as chess, during lunchtimes.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide a broad, ambitious curriculum, including for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). In most subjects, leaders have planned small steps in learning to help pupils to remember important knowledge. In many subjects, including reading, mathematics and science, pupils develop detailed knowledge.

They achieve highly in these subjects by the end of Year 6, as can be seen in external assessments for 2022. However, leaders have not identified in as much detail the knowledge that pupils should learn in all curriculum areas, including in the early years. As a result, pupils' knowledge does not develop as securely in some other subjects, and pupils find it harder to recall what they have learned.

Teachers have secure subject knowledge. Typically, they check pupils' understanding and identify gaps in pupils' knowledge, which they generally address effectively. In a few subjects, where leaders' curriculum thinking is less detailed, checks on pupils' learning are not as effective in identifying gaps.

In most subjects, well established routines help pupils to remember what they learned previously and build on what they already know. In a few subjects, this is not as well established.

Leaders ensure that pupils read a wide variety of texts which encourage pupils' enthusiasm for reading.

For example, pupils in Year 2 were proud and excited to be reading chapter books. Pupils enjoy book clubs, book fairs and making regular visits to the local library to attend storytelling events. Teachers help pupils to remember key approaches, such as predicting, summarising and inferring.

Pupils at the early stages of learning to read learn phonics rapidly. Pupils who need extra support with reading receive help and catch up quickly. Pupils learn to read fluently and confidently.

Leaders have made changes so that pupils with SEND are identified swiftly and receive all the help they need without delay. Leaders identify pupils' needs and break down long-term aims into manageable steps. Adaptations to resources and learning help pupils with SEND to access the same curriculum as their peers and other opportunities that the school provides.

However, leaders have not made sure that parents and carers of pupils with SEND are aware of all the provision that the leaders have now put in place.

Beginning in the early years, children are taught the routines and social behaviours they need to behave well. They treat others with kindness and respect.

They generally follow the school's expectations. For example, they do not disturb others' learning and they play together well. Adults take fair and consistent action when needed, for example using the class behaviour chart to remind pupils of expectations.

Pupils are taught about important issues such as healthy relationships, and encouraged to look after their physical and mental health. They are provided with information about the wider world, for example about people with different faiths and beliefs.

The governing body and trustees are knowledgeable about the strengths of the school and are ambitious to further improve its work.

Typically, staff feel that leaders take account of their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that all staff receive appropriate training to recognise the signs that a pupil may be at risk from harm.

In the early years, adults know how to keep younger children safe.

Leaders follow up any safeguarding concerns in a timely and appropriate manner, including making referrals to external safeguarding services where appropriate.

Pupils are taught how to stay safe, including online and when travelling to school.

They know who to talk to if they have any concerns about themselves or about another pupil.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, leaders have not identified in detail the knowledge they want pupils to learn. As a result, teaching does not ensure that pupils secure all the essential knowledge they will need to achieve the best possible outcomes in future learning.

Leaders should ensure that, in all subjects, they carefully set out all the knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember. ? Leaders have not communicated clearly to parents about recent changes to improve aspects of SEND provision and meet the needs of pupils with SEND. Leaders should ensure that parents of children with SEND are fully informed about all aspects of current provision for pupils with SEND.

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