Old Park Primary School

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About Old Park Primary School

Name Old Park Primary School
Website http://www.oldparkprimary.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Teresa Boddington
Address Old Park Road, Wednesbury, WS10 9LX
Phone Number 01215262669
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 467
Local Authority Sandwell
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Old Park is a special place to belong, with pupils being the best advocates for their school. They are courteous, kind and demonstrate extremely positive attitudes to learning. The values that underpin life at this school are understood by all and guide pupils to make the right decisions for the right reasons.

Leaders have created a culture of high ambition for all. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are exceptionally well supported. Everybody feels included and there is a shared understanding that 'we are all unique and, therefore, all different.'

Such differences are celebrated and this helps pupils to understand the principles of mutu...al respect and tolerance.

Pupils achieve extremely well, with the most vulnerable learners making exceptional progress from their starting points. They do so because of the rich curriculum they experience.

Relationships between staff and pupils are warm and caring. Pupils really appreciate the way their learning is made interesting and exciting.

The wider development of pupils is exceptional.

Pupils learn about the world of work from visitors who come to speak to them about careers that may be available to them in the future. Many aspire to do well at school as they know that in doing so they are more likely to fulfil their ambitions.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

At the heart of this school is a curriculum that is extremely well matched to pupils' needs.

Leaders know their school exceptionally well and, alongside governors, have built a team of staff who are equally committed to doing their best for the pupils they serve. Parents agree that this is a school that really cares about their children and are grateful for the support they receive.

Staff are trained very well to deliver the curriculum as intended.

They make precise adaptations to learning to ensure that all pupils have equal access to it. Many pupils make progress and achieve highly because staff notice when they struggle with their learning. Those that fall behind are well supported to catch up quickly.

Many pupils express a love of reading. All know that it is important to read widely and often. They enjoy stories that staff and their parents share with them.

Those at the early stages of reading, read books that are precisely matched to the sounds that they know. Positive reading habits are celebrated and pupils enjoy receiving rewards or tokens to spend at the book vending machine. This all enables pupils to quickly become confident and fluent readers.

Children in the early years get off to an exceptional start. They learn to read from the moment they begin school and develop a love of mathematics. Many become fascinated and enjoy learning about the world around them.

They are confident when communicating their feelings and ideas, showing a curiosity and a love of learning. They develop an ability to concentrate for prolonged periods, which helps them to be ready for the next stage of their schooling.

Pupils with SEND receive high-quality support and care.

They learn alongside their peers and, when required, adaptations are made to help them do so. Many are developing their ability to complete their work independently. Those with more profound difficulties have highly effective support plans that help them to overcome barriers to learning.

The school works extremely well with specialist services to ensure that there are accurate assessments of pupils' needs. 'No stone is left unturned' to provide an equality of access to all aspects of school life.

Behaviour is exceptional.

Learning is rarely disrupted, with those pupils who experience difficulties with behaviour, well supported to make improvements. Pupils hold doors open for each other and respond to a 'thank you' with 'you're welcome' and a smile. If problems arise, pupils feel confident that trusted adults will support them to resolve their worries.

The empathy and care pupils are shown by adults, influences the kindness that pupils show one another.

Most pupils attend school regularly. The school works effectively with parents to support pupils who were previously persistently absent from school to attend more frequently.

Pupils are provided with outstanding opportunities to develop their interests. Public speaking, singing in the choir, or taking part in the many clubs they are offered, are just a few of the ways that pupils develop their talents. Pupils show exemplary character.

They demonstrate resilience to setbacks, enjoy independent learning and seize opportunities to develop their leadership skills. Old Park is a school that prepares its pupils exceptionally well to become life-long learners.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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