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This is a good school The exceptionally determined and dedicated headteacher, supported by senior leaders, governors and the local authority, has ensured that the school has made substantial improvement since the previous inspection. The committed and strong governing body challenge and support leaders effectively. They know what the school needs to do to improve.
As a result, the school is moving from strength to strength. Early years provision is outstanding due to uncompromising leadership and expert teaching. Children make good progress due to an exciting and inspirational curriculum and a stimulating environment.
Pupils behave well and are polite and cour...teous. They are eager to take on responsibilities and they show a high degree of confidence. Leaders' monitoring has resulted in improvements in teaching, which is now good.
Consequently, many pupils are making accelerated progress and outcomes are good. Phonics teaching is strong and, as a result, the percentage of Year 1 pupils reaching the expected standard in the national phonics screening check (phonics is letters and the sounds that they make) is now close to the national average. Learning and support assistants provide effective support for those pupils with special educational needs, who consequently make good progress in lessons.
Pupils' well-being is paramount. They feel safe, well cared for and respected. This has led to strong relationships between all members of the school community.
It is not yet an outstanding school because : Attendance is not yet in line with national expectations, although it is improving. The school has many strategies in place to support pupils and families with attendance. These are beginning to have an impact.
Some subject leaders do not have a fully comprehensive understanding of standards in their subject across the school. The most-able pupils do not always achieve as well as they could, especially in mathematics.
Information about this school
This is an average-sized primary school.
Most of the pupils are White British. Other pupils come from a range of different ethnic backgrounds. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs or disability supported through school action is below average.
The proportion supported through a statement of special needs is below average. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported through the pupil premium is lower than average. The pupil premium is extra government funding to help the education of pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals and those who are looked after by the local authority.
The headteacher took up her post in January 2015, as did the deputy headteacher. There have been a large number of staff changes since the last inspection. The school meets the government floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in English and mathematics.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.